View Full Version : Worried sick it's all my fault. Worst thing ever.

18-02-16, 03:27
Few months ago we moved to an old 'done up' house. I now know it's been bodged up and the woodwork is full of lead paint. It's so bad in some areas. I'm so worried I've exposed my family to this. The worst is in my little girls room . She has a blood test tomorrow and I know it won't be good news,as she's had some symptoms. We have nowhere else to go. Have temporarily taped it up,but it all needs sorting asap. I can't eat, sleep for the worry. All of the work that needs to be done will be a nightmare with kids about and dangerous. I just wish it was a dream I could wake up from. We moved for a better life and I've ruined my children's futures. I just don't know what to do.