View Full Version : Had a mole removed - worried

18-02-16, 07:53
I went to my GP yesterday because I noticed that one of the moles on my arm looked a little darker than before. It is still tiny - 1mm x 2mm - but he decided to take it off there and then with a punch biopsy as it had irregular pigmentation.

Now I am terrified. He told me that if he was sure it was melanoma he would have had to refer me to the hospital to have it removed, so that is a positive.

But he also said he couldn't give me a 100% guarantee from looking at it that it's okay.

Does anyone have any positive stories? I am so worried, especially as the lymph node in my neck on the same side has been palpable for some months now. What if I have melanoma and it's spread???

18-02-16, 10:40
At that size even if it was melanoma it would be very very rare for it to have already spread.

My 87yrd old aunty had a melanoma on her arm that was size of a 2p piece 23years ago, I saw it and it was horrible looking, totally black with red oozy edge. She had it removed by plastic surgeon and they checked her out for another 10 years but she is still alive and kicking with no further problems.

18-02-16, 20:52
Thank you.

18-02-16, 21:31
I have a lot of moles that have bits of black in and went to the melanoma clinic at hospital. The specialist said they were fine and it was just trauma from shaving etc xx

19-02-16, 10:45
My mole was on my arm, so it wasn't trauma from shaving.

Has anyone had abnormal moles removed and they have been okay?

21-02-16, 10:21
Does anyone else have reassuring stories of abnormal moles that their doctor wanted to take off that were okay?

I am finding it hard to function. I have a constant feeling of anxiety and dread. I wake up shaking. I have nightmares of being given bad news and I worry that they are premonitions. I don't know how I will function after the weekend when any phone call could be the one to give me bad news.

Gary A
21-02-16, 11:41
Does anyone else have reassuring stories of abnormal moles that their doctor wanted to take off that were okay?

I am finding it hard to function. I have a constant feeling of anxiety and dread. I wake up shaking. I have nightmares of being given bad news and I worry that they are premonitions. I don't know how I will function after the weekend when any phone call could be the one to give me bad news.

A mole of 1-2mm is very highly unlikely to be anything nasty. At worst you'll probably be told that the mole could have become problematic in future so it's better for it to be removed.

There's also no such thing as premonitions. You're thinking about this mole and musing the worst, so it's only natural to dream of the same.

21-02-16, 12:00
Thank you, Gary. I hope you are right. This is the hardest anxiety I have ever had, because it feels so real. The doctor agreed it needed to be removed and couldn't tell me 100% it was okay. I also posted the pic to some online doctors who said it is probably benign but only the pathology can say for sure. I worry because I think it got darker and it really stood out to me as being different to my other moles. :-(

23-02-16, 15:02
It was benign. Thanks for the support!

03-03-16, 21:49
My mole was on my arm, so it wasn't trauma from shaving.

Has anyone had abnormal moles removed and they have been okay?

I have had one on my neck removed that was abnormal. It was a strange shape and the skin doctor said it had changed slightly from the last time I had it looked at.

Biopsy came back completely benign!