View Full Version : Worried about my babies health.

18-02-16, 09:02
My little decided to make an early appearance on Tuesday at 35+3 weeks. Due to pre eclampsia I was induced early. She is perfect and healthy but we where due to move this Saturday as our flat suffers from horrendous damp and mould which would not of been good for baby but baby and me are ready to go home today.
The plan is for me and baby to stay at my partners mums house until we have moved into the new flat at the weekend as i don't want her breathing in the mould. However his mum and sister smoke in their bedrooms, they have the doors closed and have said they will stop when we are their and we will be staying in a room that is never smoked in and has been well aired out. But im paranoid she won't be ok but surely it's better than all the damp?

18-02-16, 09:13
The cigarette smell is only a problem if it is fresh burning. So if they have assured you they won't do it with the baby in the house then your baby will be okay :) also, even if they did it in a completely different room and the door was closed it wouldn't be too much of a problem. The problem would be them smoking right in front of the baby and the baby literally breathing in fresh second hand smoke. Other than that you will be fine. You're definitely safer there than a home with mold!

18-02-16, 09:18
Congrats Emma! 18 days to go for my section!!!

18-02-16, 09:19
Congratulations on your new baby, Emma! :yesyes::yahoo:

18-02-16, 09:21
Thank you savvy.
I only came in Friday for a blood pressure check as it was slightly raised but normal at my last midwife app and Saturday night they start talking about induction so I'm still in shock she is here.
Best of luck hopefulmi. Not long now! X

18-02-16, 10:37
Congratulations. Your new baby will be asbsolutely fine in your mothers house. You cannot be contaminated from the smell of old smoke in a room and they won't smoke in her presence.

Great your going into a damp free flat as the damp/mould would have been a problem for baby.

18-02-16, 16:51
Congratulations Emma! As a short term measure, I'm sure it will be better than the mould. Also, if they stop whilst you are staying there, that would be ideal. However, you are right that a newborn should be in a smoke-free environment. It is great that you are moving into your new flat on Saturday. Enjoy being a mum!

18-02-16, 17:04
Congrats on a healthy little girl! You'll be fine. A smell is just a smell. As long as they don't smoke in the baby's presence you're good.

Positive thoughts and best wishes!

18-02-16, 17:10
Congratulations Emma :)

I was only thinking today you can't have long to go!

It's normal to worry about these things with a new baby but she will be absolutely fine until you move to your new home. Hope that all goes smoothly for you and you are soon in your own place as a family.

So pleased for you :)

18-02-16, 17:18
Congratulations on your baby :-)
We have mould in our house too so I understand your fear.

19-02-16, 17:23
Congratulations Emma :) xxx

19-02-16, 21:38
Congratulations on your new baby. It sounds like they have a good plan to keep the smoke away. I will say for smokers, I either had them change their shirts before holding the baby or I put a blanket between them and their clothes since usually the baby will lay her head directly on the smelly clothes.

20-02-16, 08:18
Congrats! Having a baby is wonderful!

20-02-16, 14:34
Congratulations, Emma!! How wonderful!

I would echo what others said - if they are agreeing to not smoke and you will be in a room without smoke being in it, your girl will be just fine.