View Full Version : Eye bags

18-02-16, 09:58
Not sure where to post this as it's not particularly something I'm worried about, just something that's making me feel really depressed.
I have really puffy under eye bags, not a day goes by that they aren't bulging and it's really getting me down. It's been like this for quite a whole I'd say around 10 months maybe. Also since around September my upper bags are also puffy/droopy. I look exhausted and I can't stand to leave the house. I can't even went eyeliner anymore as my upper eyelids cover my whole lid now.
I look as though I've had an allergic reaction, but I haven't. Any tips? I can't live this way I'm going to a wedding in a few months and can't face going and looking as though I'm severely hungover or sleep deprived.

18-02-16, 10:45
Not sure where to post this as it's not particularly something I'm worried about, just something that's making me feel really depressed.
I have really puffy under eye bags, not a day goes by that they aren't bulging and it's really getting me down. It's been like this for quite a whole I'd say around 10 months maybe. Also since around September my upper bags are also puffy/droopy. I look exhausted and I can't stand to leave the house. I can't even went eyeliner anymore as my upper eyelids cover my whole lid now.
I look as though I've had an allergic reaction, but I haven't. Any tips? I can't live this way I'm going to a wedding in a few months and can't face going and looking as though I'm severely hungover or sleep deprived.

Bless you KeeKee.. Since my current HA started last Nov, I've had dark circles under my eyes which drives me mad, they're taking ages to get back to normal! With puffy eye bags from tiredness, I've always been a fan of keeping a couple of spoons in the fridge and pressing them under my eyes of a morning when I get up.. Not sure if it works for everyone but it feels nice! xx


18-02-16, 11:24
Me too. :weep: It comes with the anxiety and depression. I find fresh air helps a little and when we get 'Sun' that helps too. Even more sleep has no effect. People say I look tired and I've had 8 hours sleep!? It's strange, because when I go on holiday, they seem to disappear??? Maybe it is more 'Depression' related???

18-02-16, 11:36
There are some good creams on the market you could try. There is that eyesential stuff that works, it's only temporary, but it tightens the skin around your eyes. You use it under make up. Clarins do a product too, but I can't remember it's name. I also agree with the cold spoons too.... I do have another tip, but I swear I have never tried it. Any pile cream will tighten the skin too.

18-02-16, 14:14
Thank you all for replying. I was at the docs today for a prescription and I did mention them and was told it could be lack of sleep, could be stress. It's just so frustrating as I've had stress and depression for 8 years now and I've never had this issue. I also have 2 insomniacs in my family and none of them have bags like mine.

It's a good point about lack of sunshine but as I hate the Sun I doubt I'll be able to change it if mines caused from that. I've barely had any Sun exposure in about 5 years as I'm severely self conscious and don't like any skin out in front of people. I tried a Vit D supplement back in September but didn't take it for too long as I don't like the idea of taking something I may not need. I might try it again as I want to look nice for this wedding. Otherwise I'll not let anyone take pictures of me and I'll probably come across as rude.

I wonder if it could be due to water retention but GP never really said anything when I mentioned that. I always get a sock line even when I wear pyjama socks which aren't tight and my ankles don't look as thin as they used to even though I weigh less. I just don't know what's causing it I wonder if hormones can affect it as I also get really sore boobs when I'm due and they feel like they double in size and I've read this is due to your body retaining water when your due on. They make me feel so miserable I can't even be bothered to speak to anybody anymore I hate people looking at my face. It's been like this every single day, even on the rare occasion I get a good night's sleep I still have them. They don't improve throughout the day the way they used to when I just had slightly puffy eyes in the morning.

I also have acne which nobody else in my family has ever had, along with huge bags and dark circles. I'm so fed up, how can I ever feel better in myself when I can't even look in the mirror without feeling disgusted.

I also get bruises on my legs for no reason, I've had a blood test so not worried about them but they look horrible. I'm so fed up. If it is lack of sleep I have no idea what else to do I'm in bed 9 hours, I do tend to wake through the night but can't really help that. It's making me feel so low.

---------- Post added at 14:14 ---------- Previous post was at 14:12 ----------

MrsCav I was thinking about treating myself to a nice eye serum or something. I just don't know which one to go for and I don't really have any money so it'd need to be under £10.

---------- Post added at 14:14 ---------- Previous post was at 14:14 ----------

I'm also gonna try that spoon thing.

18-02-16, 23:43
cucumber slices help.. Pop them on ur eyes for a while.x

19-02-16, 14:27
Thank you I'll try that.
If cold spoons and cucumber work, what would have been causing the bags? Would it have been water retention?

---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 ----------

I've treated myself to No 7 Dark Circle Corrector as the woman said this is the best thing for bags (in the number 7 range). I'm hoping it works she's told me to use it morning and night but it's got a colour to it so doubt I'll be using it before bed as it'll feel as though I'm wearing makeup.

19-02-16, 17:02

I have suffered with this on and off for most of my life.
They tend to appear, if I stay indoors too much and if I am depressed or ill.

Since my relapse, they have become more apparent and when I had the breakdown, they were at their worst. I am inclined to link mine to depression. x :shrug:

19-02-16, 17:12
It's awful isn't it. I just wish we could definitely identify the cause. I know stress etc can cause them, as can lack of aleep, but as I've had depression for 8 years I'm not too sure I believe mine are that. I've only really had lack of sleep since November too (prior to that I've always been an oversleeper) whereas I've had my bags since at least July, but definitely not as far back as Christmas 2014. So at some point between those 7 months I developed them and they haven't left me even for a day.
I do wonder if it's all after effects of coming off antidepressants as I lost a stone early last year without dieting or exercise and for the first time in my life I developed 'cankles' too. I've always had slim ankles, even at my heaviest, but now at a very healthy weight my ankles are podgy. I've read antidepressants can alter metabolism which would make sense considering I gained a lot of weight and then lost most too, maybe my body is getting used to being off them still (although it's been nearly 2 years).
Thank you all so much for replying. It's good to know I'm not alone as I know nobody personally who suffers with puffy eyes, even those who have insomnia.

Also I don't drink much water, maybe a litre a day (sometimes 500ml and a can of diet coke) and a cup of coffee on a morning. Wonder if that could be it? It's not Caffiene though as I cut that out from July to November and saw no improvement.

19-02-16, 17:33
Hey, Sorry to hear you are having a bad time :/
But there are a lot of little tricks you can do to makes them look less noticeable, either with make-up or with oils.
I strongly recommend Pure Vitamin E oil, mixed with a little water, and massage it around you eyes. Cooling pads (or cucumbers as someone else mentioned) is great for puffiness, But the best is caffeinated teabags soaked in warm water and placed in the fridge for a few minutes, then place them on your eyes for about 5 minutes. Taking "one a day" vitamins with Zinc, copper and Vitamin C is also very good (I take these and I really feel a difference) as well as drinking green tea which is great stuff for skin and can help with weight loss.

Drinking water, getting a good nights sleep, eating well and cutting back on bad stuff, is all good for you in general, and of course would help :)

Hope you feel better soon :3

20-02-16, 06:24
But the best is caffeinated teabags

The PG Tips monkey says you can put his bags on your eyes...but Johnny Vegas thinks he was being rude. :winks:

---------- Post added at 06:24 ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 ----------

I do have another tip, but I swear I have never tried it. Any pile cream will tighten the skin too.

'L'Anusol...Because you're worth it!' :roflmao:

So, does this mean I can slap some fancy eye cream on the roids?

They have bee venom ones too but that might carry a risk of a side effect known as "the ring of fire". :winks: