View Full Version : Oral Thrush

18-02-16, 12:16
Getting sick to death of my body. Due to being misdiagnosed with a throat infection (I had a salty taste in my mouth constantly that just wouldnt go and was the cause of much distress) I was up and down to doctors and hospital and emergency docs, treated with anti biotics, different kinds, and other meds, none of which worked. I went back and a different doctor at my surgery was very confident that what I have is thrush of the mouth caused by being run down, low immune system and stress. Hes prescribed meds for it and put me back on anti-depressants. My problem is I think its working but I've lost my confidence in the doctors due to being misdiagnosed for ages. I asked him if he was confident that it was thrush and he said yes, he could spot it a mile off, I asked how I could get rid of the salty taste and he said I cant. Its psychological, the more I stress about it the worse it'll get. I've been trying so hard not to stress about it but it's impossible with losing my confidence. I have a little voice in my head saying "is it really working, or are you imagining it". Then I go look at my tongue to see if I can see a difference and then I doubt that I can. I've not been able to eat or drink properly for over two weeks, and its affecting my sleep also. I keep waking up every hour, literally, with my stomach on knots panicking that this salty taste will never go away. And I hate being on my own cos I over think and worry even more.
If anyone has any decent suggestions on how to help I'd appreciate it.

18-02-16, 12:48
Rose, I think the answer is in your own writing.

You are run down!!!!!

You need to let the meds work for the thrush and turn your mind and body to doing some activities that you enjoy and find relaxing. Let your body do it's work for you while you concentrate on other things. If it turns out not to be thrush and it is a result of being rundown, then the same answer would apply. :)

18-02-16, 12:53
Thank you. I just can't help but worry. I don't want to be stuck with this salty taste in my mouth. It hurts and burns. And not being able to sleep properly isnt helping. Getting an appointment at my docs is near impossible most of the time so I can't get a prescription for sleeping tablets to knock me out.

I guess I'm looking for reassurance from someone who has had this before, with the same symptoms, and to know how quickly the medication will work and how quick I will start seeing results.
(I'm on Fluconazole 50mg I'm on day 3 of 7)

18-02-16, 13:12
Hi Rose,

I've had thrush too many times to count during my cancer treatment. It's certainly not fun but with anti-fungal meds it's treatable. As the doctor said, it's not something a doctor would miss if you have it I assure you. I recall a funky taste in my mouth but my taste was compromised so I couldn't tell you what it was other than "yucky" ;)

Finish your course of meds. It takes a bit for everything to settle down.

Positive thoughts

18-02-16, 13:17
Thank you Fishmanpa. I had doubts because I saw 5 other doctors before I was diagnosed and none of them picked up on it.

18-02-16, 13:25
Antibiotics can cause thrush as they mess with the microorganisms that provide balance. You very well could have had a persistent throat infection and all the antibiotics and the fact you are run down caused the thrush. It happens and while it's definitely uncomfortable, it's not sinister.

Positive thoughts

18-02-16, 13:30
Thank you. I had the metallic/salty taste before I was put on the antibiotics. I had it for a few days and then a slight cough came on.

19-02-16, 04:42

Oral thrush can be caused by many things. As an asthma sufferer I have the potential to get this because of my inhalers. I've had it a few times.

To be honest, I'm surprised 5 doctors missed something so common. It's like misdiagnosing a cough/cold! So, I can understand your worries but I think you have to remember that you now have a very confident doctor who has easily diagnosed what should be an easily diagnosable minor condition.

So, just keep an eye and follow up with him.

I would also suggest adding something probiotic as the courses of antibiotics will actually do the opposite of what you wanted as they will kill off the healthy bacteria in your body, some of which are in your mouth. That meant they were less able to deal with the bacteria in your mouth but some probiotics will help get you back to equilibrium.

Please don't worry about oral thrush, it's so common and easily treatable. I've had it several times and never needed treatment as my body has dealt with it on it's own.

20-02-16, 08:35
Thank you.

I feel a little better. I've been eating natural yoghurt which has helped a little. I just panic cos the funky taste and white tongue coating aren't clearing up as quickly as I thought it would.

20-02-16, 09:04
That's good.

Yoghurt is an old fashioned remedy for vaginal thrush too, as other women on here have recommended in the past...so it's the probiotic bacteria in it that must be good for thrush and hopefully the same for oral thrush but either way, it will help your body repopulate as some of the most common flora strains actually help the lesser ones. These common ones tend to be found in yoghurts.