View Full Version : Right side abdomen pain - getting worse

18-02-16, 15:25
I've been having pains in my right side, just above my hip bone, which is a dull heavy ache, like a squeezing or tightness pain. It feels like something's about to burst! I've had it for about 2 weeks, and the doctor said it's nothing serious and to wait for it to settle down.

Over the last few days, it's gotten worse, more constant, and although not particularly painful, it's more achey and heavier.

I'm obviously worried about appendicitis, or something just bursting. I can't quite tell whether the ache is getting worse, or whether I think it is because of anxiety. I can't tell whether I feel unwell with it (which might be a sign of an infection) or whether my anxiety is making me feel that way. I can't tell what's causing what so I can't tell exactly what my symptoms are.

If it gets worse, when do I phone the GP, and when do I reassure myself it's anxiety?

I do kind of feel more scared than in actual pain, which I think is anxiety caused, but there is a definite ache caused by something.

18-02-16, 15:56
If it was anything like appendicitis or any other type of infection then the pain would steadily get worse and worse. Could it be from your bowel as in it being irritable or could it be muscular. I get abdominal pain from muscles from my dodgy back.

Red flag symptoms are sudden severe increase in pain/sudden temperature or shiver/chills/sudden very painful area when you gently press/ suddenly being or feeling very sick or all of the above!

18-02-16, 16:33
The pain isn't getting worse. The ache is maybe more achey than this time last week, but it hasn't got painful enough for me to need to take a painkiller. However, I can't say things are improving either.

I don't have a temperature, shiver, sick, loss of appetite, bleeding anywhere, swelling anywhere, I can walk, I can lift things and bend over, my bowel movements are reasonably the same, there's been no sudden massive change.

So I'm reassured by those lack of symptoms, but still, this ache isn't disappearing and it's very uncomfortable, and the position of it is causing me concern and anxiety.

18-02-16, 17:17
Anxiety about pain can most definitely cause the sensation of pain, or amplify any mild pain you may be in - particularly in an area as sensitive as your abdomen.

A lack of other symptoms is certainly a good thing! As the other poster mentioned, it can be down to something else that you think is unrelated like a pulled muscle in your back. You might need to just wait this one out, if you think about it less the pain should be less. Keep an eye out for any changes, but try to ignore it as best you can!

18-02-16, 17:39
I got this but I have ibs and it turn't out to be trapped wind I had it for two days just above my hip bone and near my ovary it hurt to walk.

18-02-16, 19:03
I just received a call back from the doctor and she said it could be grumbling appendicitis and wants to see me at 9 tomorrow. As soon as she said that, I've felt worse, suddenly lost my appetite and feel a bit unwell. Bit scared too.

12-10-16, 16:43
I was about to post a new thread when I searched for keywords and found my own thread from 8 months ago.

I'm still getting the right side abdomen pain, like a bloating or pressure tightness. It's still pretty much on the right hip or to the right of my belly button. It feels like my right side is heavier and tighter than the left side.

In addition, the reason I'm back on here posting is because I've noticed blood in my stools twice. Once was 6 days ago, the second time was yesterday. It wasn't bright red and it wasn't black. It was like the colour when you cut your finger, it's like a dark red, normal blood colour but it's definitely not tar black.

I've got an appointment with the doctor again for 2 days time but I'm pretty worried it's a colon or bowel issue, especially as it's been 8 months or so!

26-01-18, 17:46
Did you ever find out what was causing your pain? I have the same thing and am curious...

26-01-18, 19:46
It actually cleared up by itself. It was weird, but over time, it got better. I still have no explanation but I'm not complaining!

01-02-18, 16:46
Oh good!! How long did it take for it to clear up? I have some days where it's better than the day before and then some days where it seems to flare up again. And same kind of pain. Not bad, just there and noticeable. Did yours do that for a while too?