View Full Version : Scared to take an antibiotic.

18-02-16, 16:06
I have been given an antibiotic for my acne as topical creams are only helping a little bit (I apparently only have mild acne but it's horrible).

I'm terrified of taking new medication especially antibiotics as I had an allergic reaction to Penicillin way before my HA and if I was to have the same happen again I'd probably go straight to A&E!

I know they all have side effects and not everybody gets them, but the thought of having an allergic reaction scares me so bad. Also one side effect is permanent vision loss and other than dying or being paralysed my biggest fear is blindness.

From what I've read and people I've spoken to Penicillin allergy seems to be relatively common so I know it's not like I have a rare allergy and I have taken antibiotics in the past since then but I'd also taken Penicillin as a young child too.

Anyone else with an allergy scared to take new things? Any tips on alleviating this fear?

18-02-16, 16:11
I'm fairly certain antibiotics and penicillin are different. Plus, if the doctor knew you had an allergy to penicillin he wouldn't in the right mind give you something that would cause a reaction!
Also my bf is allergic to penicillin also & he got antibiotics for a kidney infection and he didn't have any reaction. Like I said , I'm pretty sure they're different things and you will be fine to take them :)

Also my dear, before my HA was bad I had antibiotics and never thought of anything bad about them.. I only thought about the good they can do to help me. Antibiotics are suppose to aid your body not harm it. I know you're worried but I do think you'll be okay and your doc has your best interests - again he wouldn't give you something if he thought it would intentionally harm you.

18-02-16, 16:22
Thank you for your reply.
Penicillin is an antibiotic but it's in a different class to the one I've been given (Lymecycline). I've just got it in my head (not sure if it's true) that once you've had one reaction you're more likely to get another. Imagine having serious side effects from something that was only used for mild acne! I'd be devastated.
I obviously can't not take them as I'd be wasting a prescription, I just can't pluck up the courage to take one.
I did use a topical antibiotic until September for quite a while too (Clindamycin) and that was OK.

18-02-16, 16:38
Oh okay I wasn't sure exactly about classes and such I just knew they weren't exactly the same.
But I think you should take reassurance in the fact the topical antibiotic caused no harm!
Also maybe think about how I told you my boyfriend is allergic to the penicillin and was just fine on an oral antibiotic .

I think you should grab a pill , some water and down the hatch! And when you see you're fine hours later (I think you will be) then this worry will be over with :)

Oh and did your doc reassure you about this? That you wouldn't have a reaction?

18-02-16, 16:51
Thank you again ;-)
He told me it's not related to Penicillin but I guess he couldn't say I won't have a reaction as you can't be sure I guess.
Yes that's a good point about your husband, I also had an infection after a miscarriage 10 years ago, (was after my Penicillin reaction) and I was fine.
He told me to maybe just take half for the first few and then I'd not worry as much but they are capsules and I've read online not to break the capsule as the medication can irritate your throat and mouth and I don't want that!
I think I'll take one in the morning, the pharmacist told me not to drink milk 2 hours before or after and I've just had a cup of coffee there,so I'll wait until 2 hours after my morning coffee tomorrow and take one.

18-02-16, 17:08
Any tips on alleviating this fear?

Face it head on! This is not penicillin. And think how good you'll feel by beating the fear and also helping your acne :)

Positive thoughts

18-02-16, 17:15
I think I will just take one in the morning as I want clear skin for a wedding I'm attending in a couple of months I just hate medication. I don't like taking it at all and my Penicillin reaction wasn't instant either it took a couple of days so I'll be on edge all weekend. Luckily I'm normally out on a Saturday and Sunday so if in the very unlikely chance anything severe happened I wouldn't be alone.

18-02-16, 17:40
Hi KeeKee I'm allergic to penicillin and also a painkiller and i worry so much about taking antibiotics but honestly the ones they give you if you can't have penicillin are fine. Like others have said, think of the good they are going to do you. :)

18-02-16, 17:45
Thank you almamatters. It must be awful having multiple allergies, especially to a painkiller too as aches and pains are part of everyday life.

18-02-16, 17:49
Hope you are ok KeeKee, I have stopped reading the side effect part on the leaflets now, it's the only way I can take new medication. I had penicillin for ages then one day just had a reaction, like you say , it's a pretty common allergy, but there are loads of safe alternatives. X

18-02-16, 17:52
I have a feeling we just started the same antibiotic. I just started one last night for a sinus infection and one of the serious side effects was blindness. Is its doxycycline? Not sure I spelled that right. I just took my 2nd dose this morning. I've never had it before either and put it off a day because I was too nervous to start it. My sinus infection started getting worse so I had no choice but to take it. So far so good but I admit the blindness thing freaked me out too.

ps I'm allergic to penicillin too.

18-02-16, 18:01
Thanks almamatters I think I should stop reading the side effects too I took SSRIs for almost 6 years and never got most of the side effects lots of people say they get so what's to say I will with these.
Leslie735 mine is Lymecycline but I believe they're both in the Tetracycline group so they'll have similar potential side effects.
I can't believe how many people are allergic to Penicillin. Whilst I'm not happy you need to take antibiotics for any reason it's good to know someone is in a similar boat especially as you are also allergic to Penicillin.
I'm definitely going to take one tomorrow 2 hours after my morning cuppa. Thank you all so much

18-02-16, 18:03
Sounds like a good plan. I'm sure everything will be fine. Remember, even if just 1 person had some sort of reaction they have to put it on the paper. I'm glad I could help you feel better. :)

18-02-16, 18:22
That's a really good point. Thanks again

19-02-16, 14:29
I've just taken my first one. I'm so scared but people are right if it helps my skin why wouldn't I take it. I'm going out as soon as my partner leaves for work so I'm around people in case I get a reaction. How sad am I.

---------- Post added at 14:29 ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 ----------

It's been 3.5 hours since I took this and now my mind is starting to ease. Once I've taken another 2 days worth I'll stop worrying completely.