View Full Version : Extreme health anxiety please help

18-02-16, 16:44
I am new to the forum and was hoping to get some. Understanding/reassurance about my health anxiety.
I have Had episodes of anxiety for about 7/8 years but I am focusing on health recently.
I think my dad being diagnosed with a rare cancer a couple years ago is related. He was fit and healthy and then within a week of having symptoms he was diagnosed. I obsessed and researched constantly - I was pregnant at the time too.
My dad has had an op and is ok fortunately but I still worry. Before giving birth I worried about labour going wrong but for months after I was happy and fine.
However the past couple of months I've been so scared of getting cancer and dying, especially leaving my daughter. It started when a mole on my face changed and I was convinced it was melanoma and googled for weeks until dermatologist told me it was acetonic keratosis so not cancerous but needed to be removed. I then had a cervical smear which was ok but for two weeks I carried on being anxious. my biggest fear now is due to intermittent upper right abdominal discomfort which I've had on and off for four years I had an ultrasound and although generally my liver is healthy (no fatty liver etc) a lesion has been found and I need an Mri scan. For weeks I've scared myself thinking it is liver cancer as there is a rare primary one which affects young adults . The discomfort in my liver area has been constant since my results and I have lost weight and am in a real state. My digestion is playing up too. I know I'm extremely anxious but is it this causing my dull ache and pains to flare up? Have had it on and off for years but never lasts and can go weeks without it. If it was connected to liver, wouldn't it get worse? Can anxiety make you feel physically unwell? Have scan next week and so scared

18-02-16, 23:09
Sorry you're feeling anxious. I lost my dad to a v rare type of cancer two years ago and it definitely has a huge bearing on HA. And so does having a baby, as the immense responsibility & lack of control are real feeders for anxiety unfortunately. I think anxiety could definitely cause your symptoms, yes. I am having a horrible HA anxiety episode at the moment, and have terrible digestion problems, stomach pains etc. I hope you start to feel better soon. If you have a sympathetic gp, maybe make an appointment and just be really honest about what's going on? I did this a few days ago and I'm very glad I did.

18-02-16, 23:31
Thank you for your understanding reply.

---------- Post added at 23:31 ---------- Previous post was at 23:26 ----------

Am very sorry to hear about your dad and that you are experiencing a bad health anxiety episode at the moment. I hope you feel better soon. Mentioned anxiety to my GP.
I have been bad for about seven weeks but feels longer. The problem is it's a vicious cycle as your emotions and anxiety affect you physically and that of course causes more worry and anxiey. I've stopped googling liver cancer as it was driving me to distraction and just making me panic. Am scared about scan and results and just feel very vulnerable. Anxiety just fills your head with all sorts and i tense and hold my breath without even realising.
Thanks again and hope you feel better soon

19-02-16, 12:22
I have a hemangioma (tangle of blood vessels) on my liver. It showed up at first as "something to be investigated" and after further testing (I think at MRI---I can't remember, it was a while ago), they discovered it was this. Benign. EXTREMELY common. Completely un-sinister.

I'm willing to bet it's something like this. As for the pain, has your gall bladder been examined?

19-02-16, 16:19
Thanks for your reply.
I had an ultrasound on my liver, pancreas, gall bladder and kidneys and radiographer said all was clear and fine except for this lesion on my liver. He said it could be hyperplasia (he didn't mention haemogiona but know they're more common) but i would need an MRI to determine what it is as ultrasound not clear enough. . I didn't ask him how big it was. I have my scan on Tuesday. My gall bladder is clear and my liver isn't enlarged he said so ak assuming it's connected to the lesion as I'm worrying but the discomfort is intermittent and although I've had it constantly for a few weeks I've been excessively anxious and focused on it. Before now it's come and gone and isn't triggered by food. I've gone weeks without having it but I do seem to get it when I'm anxious or stressed but maybe that's because I focus on it? It's not pain where I need painkillers but it's uncomfortable and I worry about it. It's more of a feeling of something being stuck under the top right ribs like a balloon. As I've had it for four-five years and it hasn't got any worse I don't know that to think. I do get a lot of digestive issues, partly related to stress I'm sure but don't know id that's connected.
My main fear is it is liver cancer and I'm frightening myself