View Full Version : Foot pain. Picture included

18-02-16, 17:33
I've had this for over a week now but it started as pain in the ball of my foot near my toes, every time I would lay in bed then get up and I walked on that foot it would hurt, but now it's all day and the front of the foot at the bottom in the big toe swells slightly and gets warm if I stand too long or walk long distances in starting to walk on the side of my foot because I can't put pressure on it.
I couldn't get an emergency appointment the other day but I've got an appointment tomorrow it's just right now I need someone to advise me what to do or what it is before I do the wrong thing which is Google it
The fact it's warm and puffy is scaring me I'm thinking the worse it's a joint problem as I can't bend my big toe without it hurting.
I haven't broken or sprained my foot so I'm so confused what this could be
Here's a pic of when I've been standing too long it's the one of the left of you can't tell. Please help x

18-02-16, 17:39
Yeah, I can see it's a bit swollen. I have/had gout before and it caused the left big toe joint to swell and it was painful as hell. I'm not a doctor but it kinda sounds and looks like it. Not fun but easily treated. If it is, they have meds that really help.

Wait to see what the doctor says.

Positive thoughts

18-02-16, 18:02
Thank you, sounds horrible is it life threatening? Can it wait to see a doctor tomorrow?

---------- Post added at 18:02 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44 ----------

Im freakingg out because it's red and hasn't been all week.
I've got it in my head I've left it so long now that it's got to the state where it needs urgent care, it's not contanstly throbbing tho and worse when laid in bed at night which is strange my health anxiety is getting the better of me guys :(

18-02-16, 18:33
Thank you, sounds horrible is it life threatening? Can it wait to see a doctor tomorrow?:(

Sheesh! C'mon now! Millions of people get this. No where did I say it's life threatening! It just hurts like the dickens is all. I also said I'm not a doctor so don't go assuming I'm right. All I said is I've had it and there's a similarity in the symptoms is all. IF it's that, of course it can wait. Regardless, take some ibuprofen until then.

Positive thoughts

18-02-16, 18:34
As far as I know gout isn't serious and I'd say it's safe to wait a few more days.

18-02-16, 18:45
Thank you both, I can calm down now this is why I love this site I can sleep tonight.

18-02-16, 19:49
I have the same pain. Just comes all of a sudden one day and it's gone the next x

18-02-16, 20:00
Mine seems to be worse one day and then ok the next well I still can't put pressure on it, does it go red and warm too? x

19-02-16, 14:37
Please someone advise before I google
I didn't see a doctor he just referred me for an X-ray and blood test on Monday over the phone
But he seems to think gout too.. Now I'm freaking out about why I have it
I'm on iron supplements could that be the cause?
Or the fact my diet recently has changed to more red meats due to low iron
Or is something wrong with my kidneys?? I'm freaking out that the gout is being caused by something serious :(

19-02-16, 14:58
If it is gout, it's caused by uric acid build up in your blood. That's typically caused by dietary habits. Too much alcohol and a diet high in meats and fish can raise levels. Most people get this and their body handles it but a lucky few get gout from it. The uric acid crystallizes in your joints thus causing the pain. It can come and go as you're experiencing.

Other than being painful, it's not sinister. I was given a med that helped alleviate the pain in a few days. I've also modified my diet to help as well. I haven't had an attack in a couple of years thankfully.

Positive thoughts

19-02-16, 15:37
Thank you for your words of wisdom.
I don't drink alcohol because of my anxiety so that's not the cause so it must be my diet I do eat a lot of meat I am abit underweight at the moment so trying to eat more home made meals like stews but I'm guessing too much meat is what's the problem I really can't win!!

So I'm gonna have to eat less meat forever ? Im finding it hard what to eat and what not now
Could this even be a one off thing?

19-02-16, 15:54
Red meats are typically the biggest culprit. We only have red meats maybe a few times a month. My wife and I eat more poultry and fish (white flesh fish like flounder, cod and tilapia). You could always supplement with a protein powder/shake/smoothie to help put on weight and add calories. We'll do a scoop of unflavored protein powder, fruit and some other supplements. We do that often as breakfast.

As far as a one off? Sure, this one time could be it... I had it happen several times in a two year period but like I said, nothing in the last couple of years. I have a med I can take when I feel it coming on and it stalls it in it's tracks.

Bottom line is wait to see your doctor. Again, If it is gout, other than painful, it's not serious.

Positive thoughts

20-02-16, 12:00
I eat about two red meat meals a week so that may be it!

Thank you for being so helpful i will see what the doctor says Monday. Not going to lie I hate hospital appointments so Im rather nervous which is leading to my anxiety symptoms coming back. But you have defiantly eased my nerves about Gout.

20-02-16, 12:11
Hi miss sunshine,
Since I have stopped eating red meat, and having more fish (some white fish in the oven right now) I have not had the pain. I have less sweet things too.
Hope all goes well x

20-02-16, 13:17
Hiya, I didn't really eat red meat often before finding out I was low in iron but I started eating more because I didn't want to become anemic - so I cant win! lol

Thank you x