View Full Version : Is it real or just my imagination - Terrified Help!

18-02-16, 17:58
Hi everybody, i want to share my concerns.

It all started one year ago when i suffered a major injury to my neck.
I fractured my thyroid cartilage which is a pretty rare condition.
3 CT scans were needed in order to prove that. The doctors couldn't figure out almost, so that was the first time where i lost trust for them.
Since then i'm always worried about my health and started looking things up on the internet to figure out what problems could i have. My phisiotherapist recognized that i have a mild scoliosis at my thoracic spine, a more severe scoliosis at my cervical spine and he sent me to the chiropractor to adjust it.
Before i went to the chiropractor 2 days before i started to look up things on the internet that are related to spinal adjustments. I've found out some pretty scary things about that which are : stroke, damaged nerves and damaged discs.
When i went to the chiropractor i remember that i was pretty much terrified of what could happen if he adjusts my spine. The adjustment went "well" so to speak, in that moment i've felt better my posture was better, my neck was longer.
However at my way home 4 hours later after the adjustment was made, my neck started to become really stiff, and on the back of my neck, on the left side it started to burn really hard, and i started to panic , like i thought that im going to have a stroke.
Since then i had many symptoms: shortness of breath, dizziness, blurred vision, my ears are ringing, sometimes i loose my balance ,some stomach turbulence, brain fog, and i have headaches ( mostly on the left and right side.)
I asked my chiropractor about stroke and he told me that if i was to have a stroke i would got it immeadiately after the adjustment was made, or in that day.
I asked my phyisiotherapist and he told me that when the adjustments were made it shocked my whole body and thats why i have these symptoms.
I recon that i'm pretty stressed most of the time mostly after the chiropractic visit.
Sometimes i fell asleep and i woke up in the middle of the night, an im tired during the day.
It's been already one week after the chiropractic adjustmetns and i still feel dizzy, with a lack of balance, my left ear is still ringing, i can't properly think, i have sometimes shortness of breath, and i have sometimes headaches on the left side and the right side of my head.

I researched many things and the one thing that stuck with me besides after neck adjustments is the danger of stroke, and restricted arteries which causes blood insufficiency.
I have some questions for you guys because im really confused right now.

Am i in danger of getting a stroke? It's been already 1 week after the neck adjustments.
How fast a stroke develops? Could it be long ? i mean weeks after the adjustments?
Could it be that my arteries got restricted and i get smaller quantity of blood to my brain?
Are these symptoms related more to anxiety or more related to chiropractic?
After one week i still feel dizzy, unbalanced, blurred vision, brain fog, headache, ear ringing, stomach turbulance..

What should i do , think ? Pls help me out, im feeling hopeless right now.. :wacko:

18-02-16, 18:06
Strangely enough I read about a model who had a stroke or something after an adjustment recently and from what I know it would be pretty soon after. I think your safe now your at the week mark (plus it's rare anyway) and I honestly think some of your symptoms could be due to your fear of it happening.
I always remember first taking Propranolol, I'm terrified of meds and my left leg went virtually numb after I'd taken it, I remember walking home from the school and although I could walk so it obviously wasn't numb I couldn't feel my leg and I freaked out and rang the doctors who advised me to keep going as it's my mind playing up. Low and behold it went later that evening and I never got it again.