View Full Version : Can Gerd cause a panic or anxiety attach

28-02-07, 23:03
I was wondering if gerd can cause anxiety or panic when you get the symtoms of it. I am only asking cause i have had really bad acid reflux at one time and i am wondering if that could be the cause of it. I am over weight and have several times woke up choking on stomach acid and it seems like every time i eat i get pains. If i take and ant acid like pepsid it help has anyone here experienced this??????????????????:(

28-02-07, 23:18
Stomach disorders can themselves be a symptom of anxiety rather than the cause of it
Health anxiety can also increase your panic
Have you had your Doc check out the bad stomach to help maybe rule out other possible causes
Its hard to say whether your anxiety is the cause or effect as both are possible but a check up by the doc will help you
Dont be frightened to seek help from your Doc and disclose your symptoms and fears as they are slowly starting to recognise anxiety cause and effects

28-02-07, 23:51
I have been to the doc and had test done on my heart several times never for my stomach but it seem that every time i eat or get hungery that is when the anxiety and things start.

01-03-07, 18:50
HI there

I also get this - take ranitidine for it - but YES it so increases my anxiety when its bad - I sometimes feel like I cant breathe properly until I manage to get relief. The ranitidine does help but i have to get an endoscopy done in the near future. I also get a feeling of "burping" in my throat - not sure if this makes sense. My anxiety is at its worst when Im over hungry so i try and eat small amounts regularly.


01-03-07, 21:24
I don't know from first hand experience, but when talking to a friend at work about her panic attacks, she said that she can attribute a definite correlation between her own and acid reflux.
She thinks that the tightness it causes in her chest provoke anxiety leading to panic later.

01-03-07, 21:32
well at least i can say i know what is casuing me to have the now i need to get checked for it. I have been suffering from acid reflux for years i sometimes wake up chokeing on acid i mean bad it get into my bronchial tub and man does it burn. But i think that is what is causing all my agony