View Full Version : Is this supposed to happen to my shoulder, or...

18-02-16, 21:31
So I see a physical therapist and yesterday he and I were working on my posture. I've been making an honest effort to keep my shoulders down and back and maybe I'm doing a little too good of a job because now my right shoulder at the top (where the ball and socket is) looks like it popped out a bit and whenever I move my arms I get a pop at the sternum/clavicle area. My throat also kinda hurts especially if I palpate the SCM muscle.

Does this sound like something scary? I know there's lots of important stuff in the neck area so naturally I'm afraid I'm gonna somehow rupture my jugular or something :blush:

---------- Post added at 15:27 ---------- Previous post was at 15:26 ----------

Oh, and the shoulder hurts. Like, a lot.

---------- Post added at 16:31 ---------- Previous post was at 15:27 ----------

Can anyone help? I don't know if I should seek immediate treatment for this or not.

19-02-16, 15:45

19-02-16, 16:57
I have been having shoulder pain previously and sometimes the pain radiated down my arm. I always attribute that to my bad posture and the many hours sitting at the desk clucking at the computer. Early this year I had to do a cervical MRI for my migraine issue and that was when it was discovered I had mild cervical spondolysis. That was the cause of my shoulder and arm pain.

I started physiotherapy sessions for 3 times a week and coupled with some neck exercises regularly the symptoms improved significantly.

I also had exactly what you described, that pain on top of the shoulder and it really hurts when you press on it. I was put on TENS machine, had ultrasound, massage and hot pack treatment during the physio sessions. I am glad to say that the shoulder pain is no more.

I am sure there is nothing scary going on with you based on what you are describing. Sometimes overworking the area also can cause muscle strain. Unless you develop more serious symptoms like numbness etc which I am sure you dont have, then you might want to see a doctor.

Take care.

19-02-16, 17:05
Thank you so much. The pain is much better it is just popping lots now. When I put my arms down I get a pop right above the sc joint. But I am glad you had similar issues and are doing much better now!

19-02-16, 19:06
Oh yes, talking about popping shoulder..:) I certainly can identify with that. I am sure it will get better soon.

21-02-16, 23:39
Heya, I've been having this a lot recently along with what feels like a swollen muscle. It keeps coming and going so I think it must be to do with how I'm sleeping or something. Hope you're feeling better :)