View Full Version : Health anxiety-constantly worrying about my daughter and myself!

18-02-16, 21:52
I'm driving myself and my family crazy by constantly worrying about my daughter's health and my own health, it's awful!
I have been suffering from perimenopause symptoms for a few years but it's getting much worse, especially the anxiety! My husband was recently rushed to hospital with dangerously high blood pressure and a suspected heart attack, which was very scary, but his meds seem to be working now, touch wood. My daughter was also rushed to hospital last June with suspected meningitis (it wasn't in the end, but we went through 4 days of Hell). The thing that's freaking me out now is that my daughter has had a cough for almost 6 weeks and one of her friends at school is in hospital seriously ill with pneumonia. I took her to the doctor on Tuesday and she did a full examination and said her lungs etc are fine, but every time she coughs I freak out (she has mild asthma and was hospitalised 7 years ago, but I'm still panicking about it now)!
I know that I'm being ridiculous but I can't seem to stop panicking. Every time she coughs I'm gripped by fear and I can't sleep! Can anyone give me any advice on how to get a grip PLEASE?!!
Thank you so much!

18-02-16, 22:04
It's no wonder you have anxiety with those scenarios! Have you tried counselling or meds? Relaxation techniques, a new hobbie and exercise are also great xx