View Full Version : Excessive blinking

18-02-16, 23:09
Hi guys,

Just wanted to post in here to get some advice/support if possible. I can't begin to tell you how helpful this forum has been in the past, so much so that I wanted to go from viewer to poster so nice to meet you all :)

Basically, cutting a long story short, I have suffered terrible anxiety in the past that slowly became health anxiety and has plagued my day to day life for years. I have good and very bad periods (like everyone else I'm sure). However at the moment I am dealing with something a little different and wondered if anyone could help.

I've been feeling fine lately, as well as I can be, but a few days ago I went to visit a friend who told me mid conversation 'are you aware you have a twitch?' to which I replied 'what do you mean?' And she said 'You're blinking your eyes like you have something in them'. I just passed it off and pretended I had dry eyes or something. However, the truth is, since then I'm now obsessed with my blinking habits! I'm driving myself mad because it's such an unconscious thing that has now become conscious and it's literally all I'm thinking about every waking minute. Naturally I'm worrying there's something wrong (especially as my friend noticed) and don't know what to do/how to stop it. I think because I'm thinking about it so much too, my eyes feel really tired and heavy.

I'm going crazy because the rational side of me says I've never noticed before, but now that someone has pointed it out to me it's sent me on a rapid downward spiral.

If anyone can offer any advice or comfort I'd be really grateful. I feel quite lonely with this :(


19-02-16, 00:27
Oh I had/have this this week. My new concern ha. I had a twitch I noticed, like a wink but not fully. I went into panic mode but since I've acknowledged its a blink its not been here. I was watching myself blinking, asked my bf if I blinked normal. It's madnrss how one thought can harm us.

I lost my job recently because of health anxiety. I had an eye infection but my mind thought the absolute worst. I couldn't work properly as if be googling. I'd take half days to go docs. My own fault really because of how bad I let this get.

19-02-16, 10:01
This is what really annoys me. It takes over your life but because it's something as essential as blinking how do you stop thinking about it? I know I need to stop thinking about it and move on but it's so difficult