View Full Version : Does Anyone Else's Eyelid Twitch When They're Sick?

19-02-16, 04:41
So, a few days ago, I caught a cold. About half a week before that, though, the upper lid of my left eye started developing a twitch. It got worse as my cold progressed, twitching like crazy every time I sneezed or blew my nose, and it worsened at night.
Now I'm in the ending stages of my cold and while my eye doesn't twitch when I sneeze anymore, it's still definitely noticeable throughout my day. Doesn't hurt, my eye doesn't close or anything, it's just incredibly annoying. I'm told that eye-twitches are usually no cause for worry, so there's that...

Does this happen to anyone else when they have a cold, or am I just strange?

19-02-16, 11:42
My eyes twitch when I am stressed be it with actual stress or I am run down with a bug or haven't slept. Usually that is one of the signs I get where it makes me realise I have to do slow down and calm down and be kinder to my mind and body because I often don't realise I have ran my body through the mill until its too late.

Catherine S
19-02-16, 11:59
An old fashioned way of describing it is 'nervous tic' and these tics..or twitches. .have long been connected to stress, whether through physical illness or mental stress. I've been getting these on and off for years, in my eyelids and sometimes my top lip twitches which can be painful! My eyelids twitch even when I yawn or like you, when I sneeze. It's annoying if they go on for a long time but not harmful.