View Full Version : Feeling better this week

01-03-07, 01:38
I'd just like to say that this week my fear has receded to the point where I can think about going walking on my own-walking in the mountains has been a passion for years, but since my ha hit again I haven't done it in case something happens. My husband and I always went together, but recently, he's wanted to do long hard walks that I wouldn't have wanted to do before, so I've been left with no walking companion. I'm going to start off with something not too long or difficult and see how I go-and keep looking for someone else to walk with, it's much for fun with someone else apart from the anxiety. I'll be really pleased with myself if I can do it, but try not to be disappointed if I decide it's still too much for me.
Feeling better is largely a result of what I've read on this forum and website, knowing that there are so many other people who have the same problem and that most of the symptoms I experience are due to anxiety.

01-03-07, 09:08
Well done on even getting to the point of thinking about it, this shows that you are feeling better, try and remember the pleasure it gave you getting out there and feeling the fresh air around you and that brilliant feeling you get in your muscles after a bit of exercise and not to forget how much better we sleep after some honest to goodness exercise.
big thumbs up!

01-03-07, 11:23
Ahhh thats good news cattt!!!!! and your thinking positive, you've set yourself a small goal and thats all that matters. When your out and about, take in the air, see the beauty around you, fill your head with the lovliness that you see and enjoy the moment which I am sure you will. take care of you. skylight