View Full Version : Pins and needles in leg/arm upon waking

19-02-16, 09:47
I'm confident with my arm it's because I have slept on it as I'm a pillow hugger, sleep on front arms across boobs. But my leg has had pins and needles upon waking a few times this past couple of weeks. It feels like the standard pins and needles you have and feels normal after a minute of massaging/stretching. Just obviously worrying.

19-02-16, 10:07
I always worried the most over pins and needles. That and dizziness were always a big part of why I had (and am recovering from) a huge horrible bout of health anxiety.

Here is how I figure it.

1. If you sleep in a funny position or don't move a limb for a long time, some people are just more prone to getting it. Things like your own blood pressure affect how this works, and whether you are sleeping worried/anxious/tense.

2. If you lay on an arm or hand, it will go numb, no matter who you are! I have always laid on my hands as an extra pillow, and I find it is comfortable but after a while it may get pins and needles.

3. The main one that stops me worrying - if I move the limb, and let it go back to a normal position, it comes back to 'life' normally and quickly, no problem.

I tend to have bouts of nights when it happens, then nothing for a long time. Especially when I don't think about it!

I think part of my problem with it is typing at work, tension before sleep, and overall anxiety. Sleeping on my limbs is definitely causing some of it!.

Please don't google or worry. My advice is if it REALLY worries you, go to the GP.

19-02-16, 10:24
So glad to hear you're recovering. In a slightl way I guess I am too. I had a good few weeks where logical me was back. Ie I had bruise on my hip which I'd usually worry about luekemia but this time I remembered it was probably during s*x ha. My anxieties vary day to day. It doesn't take over as much as it does. I'm trying to take control back again. My I ask how you are recovering and what methods you use?

19-02-16, 11:10
No problem - I'll message you.