View Full Version : Stomach issues

19-02-16, 10:14
Hi All I don't know if anyone can help

basically I started a little health kick about a week and a half ago, I'm quite a healthy person generally, I'm 25 a normal weight, a non-smoker and mainly a social drinker. I started introducing a lot more fruit and veggies and fibre into my diet and last friday I woke up with bad cramps that lasted a few seconds then nothing for a few hours and then another one would happen, I put it done to the sudden change in my diet, the cramps feel as though you're about to get an upset stomach and have to run to the loo, only this doesn't happen I just got the twinges.

Now a week later I'm still getting them only now I've become very aware of them, what I was wondering is could I be doing this myself, I don't deny that it was definitely there last week only now it seems to be when I eat something it happens after, I try and get the food down quite quickly to get the eating over and done with ahah which may be causing more harm than good.

I have an appointment with my doctor but it's two weeks away :lac: my surgery is totally useless and only has one GP currently.

I was wondering if anyone else had had this sort of anxiety symptoms, I've heard of stomach issues with worrying but I thought it was more of a knot sensation or having to run to the toilet

this is more of all my muscles cramping up and not sticking to over area it's sort of all over the place

19-02-16, 16:18
The increase in fiber can certainly cause your stomach and intestines to work BETTER than before, and you concentrating on this may amplify the sensations of cramping.

It could also be that something new you're eating doesn't agree with you and is causing some discomfort.

Maybe you pulled something at the gym?

Lot's of little things it can be. The fact it coincides perfectly with your change in diet tells me it's nothing to worry about. Try to isolate what food specifically might be causing this. i.e. eat only an apple, wait an hour, then if nothing happens, eat the banana or whatever and see if any one item affects you.

For me, drinking protein shakes can trigger cramping. Might be something as simple as that for you.

Also - try slowing down when you eat... if you can't stand the taste, try finding another way to eat these nutrients, like blending them into a smoothie...