View Full Version : Pantoprazole not working ?

19-02-16, 15:38
I have recently experienced globus and ended up having a camera up my nose as I was concerned the lump was real.
I have been diagnosed with acid reflux which i'm assuming is silent as I don't get any pain/burning sensation.
I've been taking one 40mg tablet of Pantoprazole a day for approx. 2 weeks and still ave the globus which I suppose could be caused by anxiety too.
I'm not convinced the pantoprazole is working, I know its to reduce acid and help repair any damage but as well as still having the feeling of a lump I know get a feeling of trapped wind trying to force its way up but never does.
can anyone offer any experience of this drug please

19-02-16, 16:21
Of that particular drug? no. Those symptoms - yes.

Very common with anxiety, but also with reflux or post nasal drip perhaps.

Any throat sensation like that will be amplified by anxiety for sure. You've been examined and they can't find a lump so it's just a SENSATION of a lump.

Try switching your GERD medicine maybe, they don't all work the same for everyone.

19-02-16, 16:32
Both my wife and I are on Pantoprazole for reflux and have been for several years. It took a few weeks initially for it to reach therapeutic levels. Even then, depending on diet, we both get a little breakthrough acid occasionally. A couple of tums or Mylanta solve that issue. Diet is really important as well. Taking a PPI is not a ticket to eat whatever you want.

Keep a food diary and eliminate or limit foods that cause your symptoms to act up. Anxiety will cause the symptoms you feel and aggravate your reflux as well. Treating the anxiety in turn treats the symptoms.

Positive thoughts

20-02-16, 10:22
thank you both for your replies.
I haven't been given any guidance re diet but am eating smaller portions and not late at night. I have the sensation of a lump all the time now which bothers me more than the reflux.The only real symptoms of the reflux is an occasional fizzing sensation in my throat.
I haven't tried taking any other indigestion remedy as it says not to take at the same time as pantprazole but i'm wondering if this means literally at the same time ??
Today I am trying a herbal remedy called Centaurian which works the opposite way to the drug.
I am trying to address my anxiety a number of ways but its going to take time.