View Full Version : Acid and sour taste in mouth and stomach pain

19-02-16, 16:53
Hi I am really worried at no and wonder if anyone else has had anything like this
I have have indigestion but not too bad for two years and been taking omzoperol 20mg since then and been coping however since Nov I have had a bad taste in my mouth like sour and tongue feels funny this is 24/7
It is now worse and I have had bouts of bad indigestion I have also had the runs on three occasions but am usually constipated and I get pain in my right side sometimes
I have seen the dentist and all OK in mouth been to Dr and his has increased omzoperol to 40 mg a day and given me antibiotics in case it's my sinus making the taste
I have had full bloods done all are OK and my gall bladder was removed years ago
Today my indigestion is bad started by a banana earlier???
I do suffer with anxiety and stress as my child has a life threatening condition and is constantly having operations
I am now worried it could be cancer I was just to have a endoscope last year but chickened out as am really scared but feel that I now am going to end up having one if I can't resolve this anyone had anything similar my minds working overtime and I feel so exhausted all time

19-02-16, 18:16
Sorry your having trouble

I'm in a similar situation but have trouble eating, I think the taste etc in the mouth is prbly down to excess acid I have at times a funny taste but can't describe how it tastes I also get alot of stuff at the back of my throat first thing in a morning,

Obviously the anxiety can make things worse then we end up in a vicious circle the stomach pain I get sometimes on my left side under the ribs excess wind ( burping) sometimes like rifting aswell and retasting food I've had sometimes 2/3 hours ago, I know it can cause diarrhea aswell and some side effects of the medication can cause the same thing, if the diarrhea is a problem loperamide might help settle it, other then that speak to your doctor they maybe able to help more

At least you know your not alone, it's hard and frightening at times but I think talking about it does help, it does for me..

Hope all goes well...

19-02-16, 18:34
Thank you. Yes it does help to just talk to others I'm sure my friends are sick of hearing about it so I try not to keep going on to them the diahorria only lasted a couple of days each time but it just worried me as I'm never normally like that and I keep thinking colon cancer :(
The acid has been bad today and that's with double tablets but I suppose worrying about it causes more acid too
I am back at docs in two weeks so will have to see what he says I'll have to be brave and have the camera I think just to make sure I get to bottom of what it is

19-02-16, 19:53
I know were your coming from about tests etc I was the same a few weeks ago as I suffer ibs have done for years but my doc wanted to make sure it was nothing else, It drove me mad anxiety wise but they were ok one test came back high and have to have it redone but they said it was ibs

At least if you have the test and it comes back clear it'll put your mind at rest,either way you'll prbly get answers and move on and things will improve

It's horrible always thinking the worst, things never used to bother me I could shrug them off but that's the thing with anxiety we always think the worst, one thing I've done lately is listen to some of the relaxation music for anxiety on YouTube or even the hypnosis for anxiety on there,it works for some and not for others but certainly worth ago

Hope you get better soon

22-02-16, 13:44
Something must be upsetting the acid levels in your stomach... have you changed your diet recently?

Acid reflux can reall do a lot of damage to your throat so I do hope everything gets sorted for you.