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19-02-16, 22:08
since october 2013 i gradually because house bound. first i was fighting thinking of the worse (having dizziness and all those symptoms) and then i just accepted the fact I am agoraphobic. Complete housebound, can't leave at all or else panic ensues... I do leave with some one or not at all sometimes and that even is difficult because of the amount of times I can't breathe. Question is, has anyone got a solution using meds? Can they really make you well to the point of going out again? I started taking meds. Trying pretty much breathing etc but it doesn't work for me... Please tell me that there's a solution at least with that. Sorry for my english if it was bad.. I'm to sad to think :/

20-02-16, 11:31
Have you tried taking meds ?
I was housebound last year for a few month but since starting new medication in September I'm now getting out and about so it can be done

20-02-16, 18:22
what did you take?

20-02-16, 19:44
I'd say it was pregablin that was my saviour

21-02-16, 09:54
isn't pregabalin for epilepsy and other symptoms? Where you an agoraphobic and took that?

21-02-16, 11:09
Yes it is also prescribed for GAD

21-02-16, 11:16
I was housebound from panics for over 6 months a few years ago and I was too scared to take meds due to my OCD contamination fears and plus I took a bad reaction to one antidepressant before and it put me off for life so I had to deal with agoraphobia on my own and in a different way. The books and audiotapes of Dr Claire Weekes helped me along with making a 'challenge chart'. I wrote down everything I was scared to do such as minor things like going out to the bins outside my house to major things like go on a bus or go into town and I made myself to each thing 10 times over the space of a month and I was mark how hard it was and the first few times were awful and I could barely do it and it made my anxiety worse but each time I exposed myself after that, it got easier and easier. This approach along with meds is a good way to go as no matter what meds you take, eventually you will have to expose yourself to your fears and its a big step no matter how far on with meds you are but its worth it. My gran was housebound for 2 years with panics and agoraphobia too and she took Prozac. That helped her along with the exposure approach once she had settled into her meds. So meds can help and I wish you luck taking them.

21-02-16, 20:14
but meds cant take that anxious feeling etc? like the dizziness, feeling faint, shortness of breath etc?i think they do...dont they?

21-02-16, 20:26
I don't have the physical symptoms anymore apart from a morning when I have a churning stomach but I don't shake anymore, heart racing or feeling faint. I do still have mental anxiety but it's much better than it was

21-02-16, 21:08
thanks alot...