View Full Version : I just found out I have OCD

19-02-16, 22:22
So i've been suffering from Panic Disorder now for about 8 weeks. This is actually the third time this has happened to me in my life. Anyhow, 85% of my panic comes from a worry I have about being trapped. I didn't realize that this was a form of OCD because it's mainly just thoughts I have and not necessarily rituals, like hand washing or counting.

So is this common or un common?

19-02-16, 22:45
It's pure O form of OCD, I think.
I also started off with worries during my primary school times, I was worrying and often panicking about my family dying and so. At first, I didn't have any compulsions, but later, I developed a compulsion of calling my family every school break.
So yea, this is quite common form, there is nothing to worry about, I am sure you will learn to fight your OCD and gain peace.

19-02-16, 22:49
Hello :3
It's quite common yes. OCD comes in alot of forms. From people who are ritual based to people who feel the need to clean, or even think in a certain way, people are obsessed with thinking about the deaths of loved ones, for example. Any behaviour that's seen as being obsessive and almost forces you into a way of thinking or "Intrusive Thoughts" is consider OCD.

19-02-16, 22:57
Yeah, this is what I just found out. I guess it makes sense since my phobia is based on a fear that I can't shake. Anyhow, I started CBT therapy today and this was something the therapist explained to me.

19-02-16, 23:30
Can you explain a bit more? There are other disorders that include obsessive thinking, not just OCD.

A repeated feeling of being trapped wouldn't fit. If that 85% comes as intrusive thoughts then it makes sense. If it produces obsessional thinking and/or rumination then I can understand it but the feeling of being trapped is a feature of other anxiety disorders too.

I've never heard of this as a subtype or seen it on any websites i've used in my research. It would be good to understand more about that and whether it is a subtype or the behaviour behind it is the issue. The latter makes more sense to me.

20-02-16, 01:55
I'm not exactly sure myself, but according to the therapist, i met with recently i have obsessional thoughts about a very particular and unrealistic worry that seems to return during times of high stress.