View Full Version : Breathless upon falling asleep?

19-02-16, 22:50
Usually, I have palps that frighten me. But lately they've been quiet.

However, I now have a new symptom that I'm scared of. It only happens when I am trying to go to sleep. Just as I am slipping into sleep, when you're in the state that you're still kind of aware but will drift off any second, i suddenly feel like I'm not breathing enough or getting enough air.

I try to ignore it but it makes me really anxious because I keep feeling like I need to take deep breaths to get enough air and my chest feels weird. I'm getting to where I'm scared to sleep.

I've had 8 ekgs in the last 8 years. 1 24 hour monitor. 1 chest xray. I jogged in place yesterday without too much breathlessness and had...relations...with my husband last night without too much problem (except i was very worried through the whole thing that I would have problems).

This is really scaring me and I can't get it out of my mind.

20-02-16, 02:38
Oh my goodness yes! It's even scared me to the point of worrying that I'll somehow stop breathing in my sleep.
I suffered through that quite a bit, but as most symptoms it did go away after awhile. Remind yourself that's only a sensation.

Take care!

20-02-16, 03:09
Thank you so much for responding, enough. It's about bedtime here and I'm getting pretty antsy about it. I was also getting scared because no one had answered here or in other forums and I really thought Im experiencing something bad.

I'm so exhausted I just want to sleep. But this fear is deep and intense.

21-02-16, 23:28
I've had this before. For me it was because I've been suffering from silent reflux and wasn't taking the medication properly, the acid was making me wheezy and I felt like I couldn't breathe!