View Full Version : Resorted to meds !

19-02-16, 23:39
Well after a rough few months , swinging from sinus trouble , headaches, dizziness, all sorts of illness , two trips the the Drs , 1st one saying hey it's a sinus infection ! Take a nasal spray ! Ok tried it , symptoms? Exactly the same no better , stopped taking the spray .
Last night was final straw was sat eating dinner suddenly that feeling of doom!!! Dizzy like going to pass out ! Straight to bed , felt drained , woke up later on with cold sweats ! Not the first time I've suffered :(
So up late , late for work , feeling shaky and drained ! Headache from hell !
I went online and booked my Drs appointment , this time a different dr , one I kinda trust :)
Said you do not have sinusitis , possibly inflamed so take some NSAIDs narproxen, was also advised to go to dentist as some of my face pain could be due to tooth infection
I then said to be honest I'm struggling :( the physical symptoms , the feeling worn down , not sad or depressed, just always constantly anxious like I can't keep calm !
Looked on computer and said about history !
Again prescribed 20 mg of citolpram
I dunno I never gave it a chance really last time but it helped a lot the first time I used it !
Just want to try and feel some normality :(
Any ways I know it's a bit of a rant but when I'm feeling down etc this site reassures me :)
Thanks for listening