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01-03-07, 07:08
There is a possibility I am pregnant and I have emetophobia... I have been wanting a baby for awhile now and we weren't even really trying for one, it just kinda happened... I am extremely excited I am just terrified that I am not going to be able to handle the sickness... I have heard that most emetophobes don't get sick during pregnancy mostly because they have their minds set that they won't... I am worried because I am always thinking I am going to get sick and I can never set my mind to thinking that I won't... does anyone know of any emetophobes who have made it through pregnancy without the dreaded throwing up? Or does anyone have any information on emetophobia and pregnancy? I also wanted to know if there were any anti-emetics that anyone heard of that are safe during pregnancy and actually work? Any help would be appreciated!

01-03-07, 08:48

I was a pregnant emetophobe!
I suffered nausea for the first 4 months and in on a couple of occassions it ould last all day (but then so did the headaches) and then again from about 7 1/2 months (apparently it *can* happen)...but i was NEVER EVER physically sick. If i felt ill BEFORE work i would just drink some water then as soon as i got to work i would drink loads of milk to settle my stomach and then i would eat a sandwich or something mid morning. My nausea would generally start around 10...so i would make sure there was food around as to stop the sickness and it worked.

I wouldn't advise taking any medication through pregnancy...(unless a you have a health issue of course that NEEDS meds to be taken).

When i found out i was pregnant i did worry, but you can't worry for X months in case you vomit...stressing isn't good for the baby.

There are lots of websites about pregnancy and how you can help morning sickness.....you'll soon find out what foods make you feel ill. It was very soon into my pregnancy that i was aware that i could no longer drink orange juice or chew fruit flavoured gum..both would make me feel horrible :(

I wish you lots of luck :)

Sarah x

01-03-07, 09:25

Firstly, congratulations!!! You must be so so excited about everything - just don't let the fear of vomiting make you ill or take the excitement away!

I to have emetophobia and I am also a student midwife (not a great combination but it works for me!!!) Although I don't tend to ask anyone if they have a fear of vomit, i do know that a lot of people are never sick or feel properly sick whilst pregnant or in labour so let's just hope you are one of the lucky ones!! If not, to reassure yourself, the reason that people to get sick is because of there sensitiveness to the hormone that keeps the pregnancy going, so if you do feel sick - at least it has a positive reson for it. On the same account though - don't worry if you don't feel sick, it doesnt mean that the pregnancy isn't strong - it just means that nausea isn't the response that your body has to the hormone!! Does all that make sense???

If not or you have anything else to ask, just reply or PM me!!

Once again, congratulations and take care,

DShell x

02-03-07, 00:56
thank you both for responding... just hearing that one of you went through pregnancy without throwing up makes me feel alot better... also hearing that one of you is very knowledgeable when it comes to pregnancy... being a midwife when you are an emetophobe is an amazing thing and you should be very proud of yourself... I am trying not to worry because I am so excited at the chance that I might be pregnant although I do every once in awhile sit and think what if I feel sick everyday... I seriously could care less if I don't feel well, it's the worrying what if I throw up from feeling like this... If I knew I wasn't going to throw up I would be fine... I don't even know why I worry so much about this, I know how irrational it is, but then again that's the whole point... irrational fears aren't supposed to make sense.... again thank you both for responding so quickly, you have both helped me be a little more at ease about everything and I will defintaly chekc out some morning sickness websites... also thank you DShell for explaining what exactly causes morning sickness, that helps a lot!!!

04-03-07, 23:53
i must say that if i ever got pregnant i dont think thats something i would worry about,although i have this fear. the thing i fear is incase i catch a tummy bug - at least if you are pregnant u can expect to either get sick or not - with a tummy bug you never know and thats what scares me. does that make sense?

also,congratulations!! i'm sure you'll be fine x


06-03-07, 02:38
yes I completely understand... it's almost like if you are pregnant and get sick, you aren't getting sick because you are sick, you are getting sick for other reasons. I am like that a lot too. If I don't feel well, but I KNOW for sure I am not sick with a stomach bug, then I am fine, but if I even think for the slightest moment that I might have a stomch bug, I am flipping out!

07-03-07, 20:42
Hiya My Mum had all 3 of us without being Sick during pregnancy she hasnt got emetophobia just to let you know that people can go through the whole term and never be sick,my mums worst thing was back ache.

15-06-07, 07:24
im terrified of having a baby just incase i have morning sickness. i heard that the doc can give me pills to stop it though.

19-06-07, 23:02
back when I posted my first post we thought we were pregnant and it turned out we weren't.... well we decided to stop trying and wouldn't you know it, the month we stop trying I get pregnant... I am about 6 weeks along and I am experiencing the morning sickness and it is horrible! I hate throwing up so i'm good as long as that doesn't happen which I am crossing my fingers it doesn't, but this sick feeling is just horrible... I was doing well the past week with the sickness, I would drink ginger ale. eat certain foods, wear sea bands and I was getting along fine... then today I just can't seem to kick this feeling... maybe i'm just having a bad day... my obgyn prescribed zofran for me, but my insurance will only pay for 8 a month and if I want to get more it's $14 a pill... that's CRAZY!! so I ended up getting them jsut to try them, and I took one and am starting to feel a little better, but still not back to where I wanna be, but I guess this is to be expected considering now that I am pregnant I will never feel like my normal self again... has anyone noticed that their morning sickness got worse after 6 weeks? I have been reading that sometimes it gets worse and peaks in like the 9th week... I am hoping I have the worst of it now, but any feedback would be great! thanks!