View Full Version : Bleeding TMI

20-02-16, 06:23
I've just posted on the female issues forum but reckon I might get more response here. I have just had sex and everything was fine. We changed position and I "jumped on" and after about ten seconds I was told to get off as I was bleeding. There was a streak of blood down one side of my partners willy. It wasn't there before we changed position. I am not on the pill, my periods are very regular and I just had my annual smear in January with the results back two weeks ago saying normal. I've since had a pee and no stinging and no blood. Nothing. Is this likely to be a tear at the entrance or something further up inside. Starting to freak out.

20-02-16, 07:10
Bare with me, I'm only a mere man :D but bleeding during sex is common. It's happened to me (well a GF) a few times. Two different GF's. Sometimes if things are vigorous or perhaps your man is well endowed, you can get some bleeding. Lack of lubrication can be a reason too with the rubbing.

One GF mentioned soreness coming later on one occasions.

Given there is nothing there now, that's all it probably is.

I'm sure you will get plenty of women on here shortly though.

20-02-16, 07:27
:blush: :)

---------- Post added at 07:27 ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 ----------

Seriously though Pet59 I've had that. I actually rushed to a&e. Turned out it was a little scratch, and all was fine :)

20-02-16, 08:10
Normal if its a one-off/occasional particularly if there's no bleeding or pain afterwards....I'd be more concerned that you were 'told to get off'...I'd trade him in for someone a bit more sensitive :wacko: :D

20-02-16, 08:17
Thanks for the replies. I'm going through stages of getting worked up and then being ok. The fact that I had my smear in jan is reassuring for me. Lol he was great about it and wasn't insensitive at all lol. I suppose it was my manner of telling it. It was more a "I think you should get off because there is blood". When I wiped there was nothing from me so I then examined him but no, it must have been me. Haven't had anything since or any burning at toilet. I'll just hope it doesn't happen next time! Bit of a moment killer I have to say!!

20-02-16, 08:21
Perhaps he hasn't experienced this before? I have and so has my GF so if it happens, it doesn't need to stop things as long as she isn't in any discomfort. (her words) So, I guess he might have been worried he had hurt you, I've thought that before myself until being reassured it just happens.

I've had a GF say it happened to her because she hadn't has sex in a while.

20-02-16, 08:27
There are so many harmless reasons this could be happening... are you ovulating? Close to your period? Dry? Yeast infection? Using hormonal birth control? I agree with others that it's probably not a major cause for concern. But if it happens multiple times, it's worth getting it checked out just for reassurance.

Take care!