View Full Version : Hello there I'm New too!!

01-03-07, 07:19
Hi there, i'm new to this site. Thought i would become a member and hopefully get help and advice etc....it is so nice to know i'm not the only one who feels 'like I'm going mad at times'

Basically i get panic attacks, anxiety, even health anxiety. My panic attacks seemed to subside a long time ago but now they are back...they came back one day when i hit the motorway and it was really bad traffic, i talked myself into one basically as I always seem to do. Anyway I was on holiday in America in September and i started getting them out there, I bring them on myself which is what i found really frustrating, my mind seems to challenge me, i.e. ohh what if you get panicky whilst your this far away or what if you ruin your holiday by getting panicky etc.

Because i did end up getting panicky (every day) it would be the first thing i'd think about in the morning i.e. how are you feeling today, are you feeling anxious etc and my mind would race round until i'd talk myself into anxiety, worrying about my health, how my heart feels etc. Do i sound mental???

Anyway i am getting married on 20th April this year and it will mean so much to me if i can be calm but also naturally excited, enjoy the day and not end up talking myself into a panic attack etc, i just feel like I'm never going to be able to break this cycle. I want to be able to go on honeymoon (to Cuba) and just enjoy myself, relax, enjoy the sites, food, weather etc, i've done it before and always enjoyed my holidays but i'm worried its association now and i will end up ruining it for myself. :(

Any tips on what I could do, read etc.

Thanks guys

01-03-07, 07:55
Hi Balisugar,

Warm welcomes and congratulations! My anxiety has just come back after a couple of pretty relaxed years so I know how you're feeling now. It feels like I wrote some of your post about bringing on panics myself because that's exactly how I feel (I also feel worst when I first wake up). Have you tried cognitive behavioural therapy because that teaches you how to challenge negative thoughts?

Big pats on back for going to America as I'd be terrified to do something like that. Take care,

01-03-07, 08:03
Hi Bali,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

01-03-07, 09:01
Hiya Balisugar, it is very hard to control the feelings relating to panic, but you can learn to cope with them, you mentioned you talk yourself into an anxiety attack, well you could try to make a list of all the positive things you are going to do, and how you would feel about those things, What often happens as you will be aware is the amount of time we can all spend contemplating on the negative thoughts because thats how were feeling and worrying, when we do this unconciously we are feeding the fear if you like, so, the key is not to give those thoughts tooooooooo much attention, sometimes we may not realise that form of negative thinking can become a habit without us really thinking about it. The information on the left is extremely informative and useful so please read those.
It takes time to change the pattern of thoughts and once a panic happens we undoubtably worry about the fear of the feelings rather than the cause!!!!! so the hardest part we all have to learn is to think positive and change the feelings, what is often underestimated about change is the feeling that goes with a positive action, and I know we can all do this it takes practice.
Congrats on getting married in April, use some loving positive affirmations and repeat them, visual yourself happy, smiling and just seeing the day beautiful, this techique of seeing yourself happy, confident, enjoying yourself, is also encouraging healthy new memories, where as negative memories do the opposite!!!
I hope this helps and I know you will have a wedding to remember!!!!!!!! take care


01-03-07, 13:34
Hi Balisugar

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

01-03-07, 13:59

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

Pink Princess
03-03-07, 13:37
hey welcome to the site and hope your are well. everyone is friendly here and you can get a lot of tips and advice so i hope you find the right support
take kare x x x

03-03-07, 17:18
Hi Bali, welcome to NMP and best of luck with your wedding.

03-03-07, 17:43
welcome to the site rain

05-03-07, 18:55
Elo hun,
Welcome to the site..great support n advice here..so glad to have ya on board x