View Full Version : Acid reflux, omeprazole, sertraline and health anxiety!

20-02-16, 12:04
Hi everyone

Just wondering if anyone on here suffers with acid reflux and whether it affects your HA?

I have been on 20mg of Omeprazole for about 10 years and have been told by my GP that I will most likely be on it forever. I have tried stopping it and after a day I am in agony so have to take it again.

My acid reflux started when I was in my earlier twenties and my bulimia was at its worse (I am 'recovering' now and only have the odd 'episode' thank God)

Anyway, I am worried about how dangerous it is being on Omeprazole... my GP said it is relatively harmless and that I can still take it when I am pregnant (which surprised me)

My heartburn is just awful today and I am worrying about oesophageal cancer yet again :( also I have reduced my Sertraline from 150mg - 100mg (done 1 week on 100mg now and apart from the odd fuzzy feeling head and a bit of anxiety I am doing ok) has anyone experienced heartburn as a result of reducing their Sertraline?

Thanks everyone xxx

20-02-16, 12:09
I have been on 20mg of Omeprazole for about 4 years and also will be on it forever most likely as every time I come off it the symptoms come back.
I stopped taking it while pregnant but had to be put back on it. I too worry that its harmful but I think they out weigh the negatives to how good it will be for us in the long run.
I cannot comment on Sertraline

but today my heartburn is bad, as when i bend over im getting chest pains, whats your diet like have you cut things out like orange juice and tomatoes?

20-02-16, 12:29
Thanks for your reply :) Did they say you could keep taking it when pregnant? Ideally I want to be off all my medication (Omeprazole, Sertraline and Vitamin D tablets) I just dont like having to take all this stuff :(

I am planning to have my coil out and try for a baby later this year but my GP is insistent I stay on all my medication, including the sertraline. I know I am going against doctors orders but I just want off it all now.

I am my own worst enemy with heartburn cause I drink too much and I pig out a few times a week on fatty foods (in general though my diet is very good).

I adore tomatoes, especially those really sweet little cherry ones on the vine! I know I need to be cutting these things out though.

Arrrggghhh :( xxx

20-02-16, 13:15
I stopped when I found out I was pregnant then I suffered with really bad heartburn further along so I was put back on them and they are safe for baby so no worry there.

If the GP says all your medication is safe for baby i'd stay on them, as you dont want high anxiety and acid reflux whilst pregnant it will ruin the experience and you dont want health anxiety to get worse, but if you are still unsure you can always get a second opinion from your midwife about your meds when you are pregnant. Good luck by the way! and i am here if you need any advise as I had anxiety whilst pregnant all was fine.

I know what you mean about not stopping to eat the things you love, food is my only pleasure in life i don't drink smoke or anything like that and I feel down that I cant eat what I want but sometimes its so painful id rather not eat trigger foods than be in pain, just eat your fave trigger foods in moderation!

20-02-16, 17:10
I am pregnant and on 50mg sertraline and take 2 ranitidine a day, both deemed safe xx

21-02-16, 13:12
Thanks for your replies :) it is encouraging for me to hear about others experiences with anxiety and pregnancy.

I am feeling ok having reduced my dose, had the odd wobble but doing ok. I do want to come off my medication but I know I have to do it slowly.

If the dr says I should stay on it whilst pregnant I will trust them 100% as I will want whats best for the baby.

My heartburn is much better today! :)

21-02-16, 14:49
Hi I'm on Sertraline 50mg and also Levothyroxine, (which means I can't take any antacids, like Rennie etc.) I drink Soda water, even just half a glass.

21-02-16, 16:43
Hi I'm on Sertraline 50mg and also Levothyroxine, (which means I can't take any antacids, like Rennie etc.) I drink Soda water, even just half a glass.

You can take antacids just not at the exact same time as thyroxine, its best to leave a couple of hours either side of taking your thyroxine.

I take ranitidine for hiatus hernia at same time as my thyroxine and its fine but not gaviscon or rennies as these stop you absorbing the thyroxine if taken at same time.

Maybe it just the way you have worded it but it looks like you feel you can't take gaviscon/rennies at all ever while on thyroxine???

I have found since I altered my diet and excluded all the foods I know give me heartburn like cake/bread/anything with herbs or spices/ any alcohol that I have no heartburn but if I add these foods back into my diet even with the ranitidine then the heartburn comes back.

Changing my diet has had a massive effect on my heartburn.

22-02-16, 15:01
I know that, before I was diagnosed with the Thyroid problem I was waking up with the acid reflux and nausea and after I was diagnosed and was put on the Levothyroxine, and before it kicked in it still happened, so rather than wait a couple of hours to take Gaviscon/Rennie. I'd drink half a glass of Soda water, big burp, gone!!!!!

I wouldn't take them anyway, they're vile