View Full Version : Dizzyness and head pressure

20-02-16, 12:06
Not going to lie my anxiety is very high at the moment, but I wanted to know if anyone can relate to these symptoms with their anxiety.

I feel as tho I am very off balance and dizzy, When i stand i feel as tho im going to fall over and im floating and everything is in slow motion when I sit still I feel as the my head is moving in circles and i cant concentrate reading text on my phone i have to really try hard to focus. its not my eyes as I have recently had a sight test.

I am getting alot of head pressure and head aches mainly in my temples and yesterdays headache made me feel sick, paracetamol just wasn't working! :(

I am not sure if this is anxiety related but when i bend over occasionally i get a shooting pain up my right arm in to my chest, i do suffer with knots in my shoulders and also acid reflex so im hoping its that

if anyone suffers with anyone of those any advice on how to relieve symptoms xx

20-02-16, 12:10
Hi there

I experience very similar symptoms when my anxiety is high. I feel a bit out of it sometimes and definitely can relate to the dizziness and head pressure.

I get horrible shoulder knots too - what has helped me if going for regular deep tissue massages at my gym. they aren't cheap, but they are worth it and even if you just go once a month it will really help with knots and it turn, helps with head aches too.

Hope this helps :)


20-02-16, 13:11
Its very scary as I keep getting throbbing pains in my temples too- i do remember getting them before when my anxiety is high but when it happens after so long it scares me :( my heart rate is faster than normal too..
it almost feels like I have a head cold without the cold symptoms.

The shoulder knots stop me from lifting anything heavy, i will defiantly look into that massage i have a massage thing i use at home, but i would like something to work on the long term :)

20-02-16, 20:13
I get this. I feel like I'm always about to fall or sometimes when I walk I feel like I'm straying in one direction and about to fall that way. I often feel pressure in front of my head around my nose. That could be cause of my chronic sinus issues......or sinus tumour or lymphoma (see my signature). I did feel like this when I first got anxous but then it seemed to stop. Last anxiety attack I had was in early January and I'm still like this. Makes me think it isn't anxiety since I've not had an attack for awhile only few freak outs that don't last that long