View Full Version : Urge to repeat CBC every few months

20-02-16, 13:57
(Possible triggers? I'm not sure)

I've always been a worrier, but last March I had a traumatic experience that triggered severe health anxiety. 12 Days before my due date with my son, I experienced a placental abruption which led to an ambulance ride, emergency c-section, 2 blood transfusions....BUT(!!!) we were both fine and healthy and discharged 2 days later. It was the scariest day of my life. I had no warning signs or symptoms. It just...happened. My midwife assures me it was just a fluke.

It's been 11 months now and I've had 2-3 bouts of anxiety since then. I have symptoms of feeling unwell at times because I do have a thyroid disorder and...well. I have 5 kids ages 8 and under, so am I tired? Yes. But I think that's to be expected to some degree. But ever since the abruption, I can't help but to suspect that every little symptom is something more sinister. I had a full blood work-up in September, and other than needing to boost my iron and a slight adjustment to my thyroid meds, doc says I'm fine.

Most recently, I've had a few little symptoms. I probably won't describe them in terrible detail because I don't want to trigger anyone. They're mild. I probably wouldn't have even noticed them if I weren't paying such close attention. Anyway, my first thought is to go repeat my CBC even though I had one 5 months ago and it was fine. So...I guess my question is, how often is it rational to get bloodwork done? If I had a clean bill of health 5 months ago, how likely is it that something would be terribly wrong now?