View Full Version : Really worried about gum infection / toothache / wisdom tooth pain

20-02-16, 15:15
I'm really worried about my teeth at the moment. This all started in November last year - one of teeth was chipped and causing pain, so I had a filling for the first time ever. I also felt some pain in the gum at the far back of the bottom-right side of my mouth. However, it still felt painful for a week or so afterwards.

Then 2 weeks ago, the pain came back really badly, so I booked an emergency dental appointment and I mentioned the pain in gum in addition to the pain in the filling. The dentist said it was a gum infection and he prescribed me amoxcillin 250mg - I finished the 5 day course and hardly noticed any improvement at all. They never did an xray to find out what could be the source of the pain - the dentist just looked at the painful area. I suspect the pain could actually be due to a wisdom tooth, as the painful part of my gum feels rather hard and swollen.

So on Wednesday afternoon I went back to the dentist - this time the dental nurse took a look at the painful area, but I still wasn't offered an xray. She said that the infection was probably too severe for the amoxcillin to work, so she prescribed me metronidazole instead. I did ask whether the pain could actually be caused by a wisdom tooth rather than an infection, but she said that it's probably caused by both - ie that the area where the wisdom tooth is growing has become infected. I've been taking the new tablets for 3 days now but have still hardly noticed any improvement.

I'm having to use paracetamol to block out the pain. So now I'm really worried about what could happen if there is an infection and it doesn't go away or if it is resistant to the antibiotics. Could the infection cause me any permanent damage or could it spread to other parts of my mouth or my body?

I wish they would just remove the wisdom tooth, but it seems like they are reluctant to do that. Would having it removed solve the problem, or would the infection still be there?

20-02-16, 17:32
Hi Sparkle,

I had a fine old time with a similar problem that also started last November.
I had a bad tooth, which I stupidly ignored which turned in to me having a gum infection. The gum swelled up all around the area so I new it was the tooth.
They gave me antibiotics and I also gargled with warm salt water and used Corsodyl.
It eventually cleared up and I then had the tooth out.

What I also want to say is that the infection did not spread anywhere else and once I had the tooth out it eventually all cleared up. But while you have the swelling, do not floss, this makes it even worse and brush extremely gently and nowhere near the gum area and try and chew on the other side; if you are anything like I was, I could only do that anyway.