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View Full Version : What and why do doctors shine light in eye and perform follow finger test?

20-02-16, 16:03
What do they see? I recently had eye infection and HA made me think the worst and sillier diseases. Both times two different docs said it was conjunctivitis and sore.

20-02-16, 16:05
They shine the light to be able to see inside your eye to the back of eye and they ask you to follow their finger to see if your eyes are moving as they should - all routine eye tests.

20-02-16, 16:32
What would they see if they look in eye?

20-02-16, 16:48
It's to check for normal optical nerve functions. If your pupils constrict naturally and evenly, the eyes are performing normally. An eye doctor will look deeper into your eye checking the cornea and the retinal area for any issues.

There's no reason to think that there's anything wrong as you were diagnosed, treated and healed.

Positive thoughts

20-02-16, 17:18
So if optic nerve was 'swollen' they'd see it? Sorry for ridiculous questions this site is both a blessing and a curse ha.

Gary A
20-02-16, 17:33
They can see the optic disk of the eye if they use an ophthalmoscope. The "follow the finger" test checks for normal movement of the eye but also checks to see if there's any double vision. Your optic nerve is never visible, but these tests check its function.

20-02-16, 18:21
To make sure your pupils dilate properly etc. They can use that to detect mass effect in your brain too:)

20-02-16, 20:26
So if anything looked worrisome they'd have seen it.

20-02-16, 20:31
Oh yeah. thats why people have had brain tumors detected from optometrists. Pupils are a huge indicator of that type of stuff

You'd be suprised how many things are detected in a single physical or blood panel.Basically, well, everything :)

20-02-16, 20:57
I thought it was just a light ha. Didn't realise how advanced it was. She just said eye looked sore and that it was conjuncivtus (at the time) if it could've been anything more im sure she would have said 'get this checked out' right? #anxietybexasks50questions

20-02-16, 22:07
So if optic nerve was 'swollen' they'd see it?

So if anything looked worrisome they'd have seen it.

if it could've been anything more im sure she would have said 'get this checked out' right?

C'mon Reb... you've gotten reassurance and questioned it three times now.

Would you rather hear "No, the doctors have no idea what they're doing. They wouldn't refer you even if they saw something" when it goes totally against all logic, reason and the oath that medical professionals take... is that what you're fishing for?

Of course not! Now, take what the medical professionals have said along with the reassurance you've gotten here and put this to bed... you're fine (sans some extreme anxiety) :)

Positiv thoughts

22-02-16, 00:32
I know. I do this with family and friends too. I'm getting better, I am. My boyfriend says the exact same thing you do. Sorry and thanks for the questions.

22-02-16, 01:46
Did they take photographs of ur eyes??. Because they do show ur optic nerve. I had mine done on Friday as I'd been having headaches all was fine.