View Full Version : Schizoid Personality Disorder or Avoidant attachment style. Anyone else out there???

20-02-16, 18:28

A happy Saturday to everyone :D I wasn't sure where to post this but I thought that the Social Anxiety forum might be the most appropriate place.

First of all, I am wondering if anyone has been ever diagnosed as having either of the above? They can sometimes be considered to be relatively synonymous I think. (Please see the links below for details.)

I have found that for a very long time I have been uncomfortable in social situations. As soon as I arrive at a party (not that I get invited to all that many these days) or whatever, I am planning my exit.

When it comes to romantic relationships I just don't seem to get emotionally involved and when the relationship inevitably ends after a relatively short while (as it is bound to because my lack of emotional involvement) I don't feel any pain or sense of loss.

I can be suspicious of the few friends that I have at times. I can have high expectations of people and when they are not met I tend to be less trusting towards whomever. For example, if I text somebody and if they don't reply within a reasonable amount of time or perhaps not at all that can bother me.

I have been like this for as long as I can remember. At times I can feel deeply lonely but at other times I am quite comfortable being single. A lot of my peers have settled down with partners and started families etc. I live alone and I am single most of the time.

I am in my 40s by the way. I do date but any relationships that develop are always short in nature. This may sound slightly fatalistic/pessimistic, but now I am almost at the stage where I say to myself - what's the point in even trying to invest emotionally in this because it will be over after 3 months at the best.

At the end of the day, it probably comes down to an unwillingness to trust others or give too much of myself away. My childhood was less than ideal and without going into the details my relationship with my parents was very defective.

Can anybody relate to what I am saying?

Thanks for reading anyway,

Schizoid personality disorder (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoid_personality_disorder)

Avoidant attachment style (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoid_personality_disorder#Avoidant_attachment_ style)

24-02-16, 18:45
hi there I totally understand how you are feeling - I feel the same a lot of the time as well !! If you want to chat feel free to pm me will be nice to chat to some one who understands how I feel and think !

25-02-16, 19:45
Thanks Becky. I will PM you. :D