View Full Version : horrible chest pains

21-02-16, 05:35
i went to the er in january for what i thought was a heart attack and was actually having a panic attack. x rays and ekgs and blood test was fine. went a week later and got all the tests done, was told there were a few abnormalities but was eventually diagnosed with anxiety again. i'm worried about my heart but mostly got it under control at the the beginning of this month. i've been under a lot of stress lately though and i've been having horrible symptoms again.

i woke up a few days ago from horrible squeezing around heart and freaked out. this was the morning after i almost had a panic attack. next day i woke up from another horrible chest pain. since then i've had an awful squeezing. i can't sleep in my bed anymore because it makes it worse. i got a new mattress recently also. i can't sleep from the pain and i was up until 4pm today because i was afraid to fall asleep. is this pain caused by anxiety? i went to the er a few days ago but they didn't check me for the chest pains i told them and I'm scared that i might have had a heart attack or something horrible coming on. the pain feels terrible.

i also have bad ocd and magical thinking, earlier this month i was sitting on the couch relaxing with friends and all of a sudden i thought of the number 21 and felt like the worst was going to happen then so i've been scared leading up to that day. its 1130pm and i'm stressed out with the pain i can't even relax. does this sound like anxiety and ocd? i did get a chest x ray when i went a few days ago i don't know if that would show anything (read my other posts for more info on that)

i really need the reassurance right now as i'm really scared. i also feel really dizzy, like i'm going to throw up, and having trouble breathing and really sweaty which when i was in my googling phase only read the worst results. i also get weird feelings in my neck and arms sometimes and right now i feel super weak i don't know if its from the stress and only getting a few hours sleep or what. i'm 23 and otherwise healthy but this stress has ruined my sleeping and eating patterns so now i'm worried that i've ruined my health

TLDR, horrible squeezing chest pain, chest pressure, dizziness, can't breathe, heart beat feels weird / weak etc. is this anxiety? do i need to go back a 4th time for another blood test to check for enzymes? is my fear of a day magical thinking and not a sign? when i was trying to fall asleep last night before any of this i had a horrible very realistic feeling scenario that went on autopilot in my head about something happening to me and no one believing me. its scary. i just want these physical symptoms to go away. thanks

21-02-16, 05:48
I asked in your previous thread.... You've been diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks. Are you getting help for that?

Positive thoughts

21-02-16, 06:38
I asked in your previous thread.... You've been diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks. Are you getting help for that?

Positive thoughts

i've been taking mindfulness lessons every day and take 2 gaba pills a day. i read somewhere that taking 3 is even more effective for severe anxiety. i'm just worried because even when my mind is feeling right my body produces these symptoms. i have a xanax prescription but i'm wary of taking it as i used to take it when i was partying a lot back in high school and was becoming addicted. i'm looking into therapy but as i said i'm worried because when i feel mentally okay i still have physical symptoms that worry me.

21-02-16, 06:54
I hear you. Think of it this way....

You anxiety is like a campfire. When it's burning hot, you feel stressed and have all sorts of physical symptoms. But like a campfire, even if the flames die down, there's a bed of red hot coals that stay hot for a long time. So even if you don't feel stressed, your body is still burning with anxiety. Then a physical symptom or two just adds fuel to the coals and they're flaming again.

It takes a long time for the coals to go out. Right now you're just putting a few cups of water on the flames but it's not enough to put them out. I understand about the Xanax but heck, if it's going to calm you down and allow you to focus, then take them. Your doctor is aware of the addictive qualities and won't give you a free feed of them. Keep looking into therapy. You would benefit from some one on one therapy IMO.

Positive thoughts