View Full Version : Worried about toddlers lump in breast

21-02-16, 13:05
Hi guys well my daughter has had a lump behind her nipple since last June (that's when we first noticed) she had an ultrasound which showed nothing sinister and tge y said it looked like a fatty lump. Went to see the consultant in December who said it had gotten bigger and sent her again for another ultrasound we went a few weeks ago and they said it doesn't look like anything to worry about and probably a fatty lump. She just turned 2 last week but I can't stop worrying she had cancer. When you feel the lump it slides about which the consultant said is good. I'm so worried. I also worry a lot about my health and breast cancer. I just attended the breast clinic yesterday and was told I'm OK. My daughter has another check up in may but I feel that's ages away

21-02-16, 14:10
Hi hun. I know how difficult this is as I've been in the grip of HA for 13 years now with various degrees of severity and I worry obsessively over my children's health as well as my own. As a mum it's what we do unfortunately! This Christmas was ruined by my being convinced my 16 year o,d had bowel cancer (more chance of winning euro millions than a teenager having that) as he'd had a bit of bleeding. Turned out to be a small fissure. Your daughter has had two ultrasounds and been told by two specialists in that field that it's nothing to worry about. They see so many cases every day they know their stuff. They do not take chances with kids, they cannot afford to. If there was any doubt whatsoever she would have been referred for further testing. Have you been referred for any help with your HA/medication? I missed a lot of my boys' babyhood/toddler years through HA, please don't go the same way x

21-02-16, 14:33
Honey, unfortunately I cannot give you any detailed advise about breast lump, but I want to say that I understand you SOOOOO well! I'm currently obsess about my 9 month old daughter health, and this is much harder that worrying about your own health.
You are not alone! And chances of 2 year old having breast cancer are non-existent, especially after 2 ultrasounds confirmed everything is fine.
We all are spoiling our parenthood with this HA, we are missing days wich will never return.
I wish I could take my own advise :-(
Anyway, hugs to you! Your daughter is fine! You can check my thread about stopping reassurance seeking. One of the members provided awesome links on how to start coping with HA, we can try to do it together!

21-02-16, 16:03
I just attended the breast clinic yesterday and was told I'm OK.

Finally! Great News! This has been dragging you down for over a year! Hopefully now you can finally put this worry to bed for you AND hopefully for your daughter. Please don't transfer your breast cancer fears to your child. She's TWO! It's unheard of! (Ok... I know you'll Google and find a case but that's one out of how many billions of children?) The medical professionals have given her the all clear just as they have you and they're keeping an eye on things.

Again, great news on your all clear. Enjoy this time with your child. Don't allow irrational worry to deprive you of the joys.

Positive thoughts

24-02-16, 13:56
I feel so silly but also really worried. I think my anxiety for myself has moved to my daughter. I don't want to keep worrying I want to enjoy my life with my daughter. Its so hard not to worry though. I can forget about it then as soon as I see it I worry again

24-02-16, 14:43
I think my anxiety for myself has moved to my daughter.

It certainly appears that way. Please, for your daughter and for yourself, seek help with your anxiety. You've spent a year needlessly worrying. Don't allow this to take any more time away from your life. It's time to treat the real issue.

Good luck and positive thoughts

24-02-16, 19:43
Please get help now for your health anxiety. Take it from someone who has had holidays, family time etc ruined by irrational fear. You cannot allow your daughter to start picking up on your anxiety when she is a little older. My 14 year old has picked up on my habits and googles medical conditions and worries about his health. Interestingly my 16 year old who has a real disease (type 1 diabetes) is the complete opposite - very blasé. They are little for such a short time, please address this xx