View Full Version : Back to where I started

01-03-07, 10:34
Just typed a long post and my computer crashed :mad: , so I'll start again.

I am back to worrying about my bowels again. I've had a diagnosis of IBS, following blood tests and sigmoidoscopy last year. Mostly I've accepted this but a small part of me thinks my symptoms don't quite match what I know about IBS (and believe me, I've read everything there is to know!).

Last night, I had some blood on wiping (well, to be graphic, loose stools with blood in). I've noticed blood a few times before and my GP has not been concerned. It didn't actually worry me last night, but I've woken up today feeling very low, highly anxious and it's become a big deal all of a sudden.

I have an appointment booked to see the consultant who referred me for sigmoidoscopy - I'm seeing him in April. I arranged this because I never had a follow up after my tests, I just saw my GP who said its IBS and I never had any explanation or guidance on how to deal with it. So I thought it would help me to know more accurate info, maybe to learn about exclusion diets etc., and to discuss with the consultant all the little concerns I have. I'm making a long list!

The sensible part of me says that I should wait for this appointment, unless I get any further symptoms, in which case I should see someone sooner. The anxious part of me just wants to run to my GP and get some reassurance I'm ok.

I'm so fed up with this, I thought I was doing ok, but it just shows that there is anxiety lurking around in the back of my mind that refuses to go away. With me, it's always the same issue and I can't let it drop.

I'm also very sad at the moment as my friend has had some devastating news, that her child is terminally ill. This is on my mind all the time and I'm so upset for them all. I guess this is probably feeding my anxiety too.

I really really don't want to let these thoughts get out of hand, so if anyone has any ideas or support, I'd love to hear from you.


01-03-07, 12:16

You are bound to be VERY anxious after the news you have had hun.

If it were me id see how the blood went but if I carried on getting it id make an appointment to see me GP, I wouldn't wait until April and drive myself batty with worry. If the GP can reassure you and its sympathetic then go, you will feel better for going.

You know where I am if you need me.

01-03-07, 15:49
Hi Lass,

((((((hugs))))))) thats so very sad.
I'm sure your anxiety is going to be far worse at the moment and i remember you posting last week about other problems.
I really would try and wait until you see your consultant as i think you will get more reassurance, thats obviously why you are going to see him anyway. I know that desperate need to know now feeling, but you've got an appointment booked carry on with your list and try to wait till then (its already march). You sound like you are well on your way to accepting it is IBS but you've just had a wobble.

love anx x