View Full Version : Can this all be Anxiety?

21-02-16, 18:25
Hello everyone.

I'm Nick and I am new to these forums. Over the last two months, I just haven't been myself. I've been to the ER twice, an Urgent Care, and an Eye Doctor to test vision, and because I heard they can pick up on signs of brain tumors or MS.

When I went to Urgent Care it was because I just felt terrible. Light headed, weak, tired, congested, just terrible. Turns out it was a viral infection. Well, I mentioned to the doctor that I've been really worried it's cancer or something else that's serious. I had her check out a couple lumps on my rib cage and other spots and she wrote them off as Lipoma's or Subacious Cysts, which my father & sister have tons as well. She did blood work, which all came back really good, besides a slightly elevated liver enzyme which she said was rb viral infection.

About 5 days later, I was bowling and was severely congested and begun having chest pains and panicking... Couldn't sit still or anything. My girlfriend took me to the ER and they said I had bronchitis and I got antibiotics.

Then a couple weeks later I went into a full on panic and legitimately thought I was going to have a heart attack. My hands and feet were tingling, I couldn't swallow, I couldn't walk... It was horrible. They did a Chest X-Ray & told me it was Anxiety and that I was fine. Also, Eye Doctor said my eyes were 100% healthy, besides the vision part...

Ill have health insurance March 1st and the second ER had me sign a form that id go see a family doctor, which I'm going to. I'm just really freaking out. Before this I was a healthy, happy, outgoing 28 year old male. Now, I'm just not the same guy. I've lost 10-15 pounds this last month because I haven't ate as much and I've pretty much completely stopped drinking alcohol, as I'm scared I'm on my way out.

Can this all really be anxiety? I Google stuff for about 5 days on my symptoms and I honestly think that has scared the hell out if me. I'm not doing that anymore.

Ive had bodyaches, sharp pains, my bowel movements aren't the same (lighter brown to yellowish, and just not the same, some black specks on toilet paper), not really headaches but a weird feeling, I've had multiple panic attacks... This seems to get worse at night. I guess I'm just scared I'm dying or have some life altering disease

It's so frustrating.

22-02-16, 01:16
I can tell you my panic and anxiety symptoms manifest in exactly the same symptoms as you're describing...right down to the bowel movements lol. So yes, in my opinion it can definitely all be caused by anxiety!!

22-02-16, 10:46
Just to echo glassgirlw really...

I have the same feelings (you've obviously had a naff experience recently of being ill though which won't help!)

Your symptoms are similar to how mine present (but I tend to get neckaches a lot which lead to headache type feelings and tension in my neck).

I had a gland up in my neck recently (still up), which I was absolutely sure was going to present a terminal prognosis. It ended up "just being a swollen gland" according to a specialist. Of course, I still don't believe them fully but that's my anxiety again!

It sounds like your symptoms could be anxiety, but do get a professional opinion if you think it will help! For me, seeing the Dr has become a weekly habit that I am trying to break due to the vicious anxiety circle it creates!

22-02-16, 14:11
Why don't we believe doctors or health care practicioners? My best friends wife is a nurse and a very good one at that. I went over my blood test results with her, which they tested my liver, kidneys, much of the important stuff... She said my numbers were great, besides the slightly elevated liver enzyme and that I literally had ZERO to worry about. I told her I'm scared of MS or a Brain Tumor. She said if I had MS, symptoms after 2 months would likely turn worse and if I had a brain tumor, I wouldn't be able to work my 50-60 hours per week as most likely my headaches wouldn't be the type I'm experiencing.

Last weekend I bowled in a bowling tournament, 12 games in 2 days, everyone is telling me that if I had a brain tumor or MS, I wouldn't have been able to get through that either. And I was in a hot tub at the hotel for quite sometime and I guess MS really flares up when the body temperature rises & I figure it would've done it then...

Overall, this just sucks. I feel so bad for the both of you for going through this as well. It really does hurt. I feel as if I'm letting my girlfriend down as I'm just not myself right now.

I'm going to go see a family doctor as soon as my Healthcare kicks in & if he says I'm okay, I have to really make an effort to listen to him as I'm literally not qualified to disagree.

It just sucks because it gets worse at night and I just feel off and get a little headache. Maybe we can help & support each other, I don't know....

Best wishes to all of you suffering.

22-02-16, 22:08
Getting a very quick, less than 5 seconds burning sensation on back right side of head... Ughhhh

22-02-16, 22:15
Getting a very quick, less than 5 seconds burning sensation on back right side of head... Ughhhh

Thing is, I believe everyone gets little funky things happen like that all the time. Our bodies are noisy little buggers. But with HA, you're hyper-aware and every little sensation is noticed, amplified and far too blown out of proportion.

Positive thoughts