View Full Version : Bad Anaemia, perscribed no tablets...HELP ASAP!

22-02-16, 12:23
Hey guys,

So after getting my blood test results back today after having them done last week, I have been told I have bad anaemia. I asked why no one called me when I had been feeling so bad (chest tightness, palpitations, tired etc), and they said it was because I had been referred to an eating disorder clinic who would discuss it with me there.

BUT, I have not yet even received my referral letter or date of appointment for the eating disorder clinic, and I am feeling bad now. It could be that my anxiety is not helping, but surely bad anaemia without tablets is dangerous for me?

I am worried my heart will be damaged or stop! I have been having chest tightness/shortness of breath/palpitations, and tiredness - all common with anaemia, so what can I do?

My doctor is off for the week, which is such bad luck, and I can't get into my clinic for another few days!

Any advice? Should I just eat lots of meat, fish, and veg, and hope I feel better before being seen?

Many thanks!

22-02-16, 13:17
As far as I know, anaemia is problematic in the long run, not in the short term. I think you can calm down, that's why they didn't call. Of course you should not accept having to wait very long for your appointment. Your GP should probably also be able to prescribe you the necessary supplements while you wait. Have you asked about that?

You can also buy iron supplements (look for the strong ones with vitamin C) at your pharmacy, after calling the doctor, you can go and get advice at the pharmacy.

And yes, as many green vegetables as possible and red meat. Don't worry if you don't feel better quickly, it takes time.

22-02-16, 13:29
Don't worry about it affecting you just yet, I was severely anaemic after a miscarriage, even walking to the bathroom felt as though I'd ran a marathon and was myself again within weeks. I'm not sure why they didn't give you iron tablets though, but fortunately they are really cheap. Maybe mention it to the pharmacist so they can advise you how much to take, you'll be yourself in no time.