View Full Version : Generally unwell/gland aching

22-02-16, 14:05
Hello :)
I just wanted to ask a question around some symptoms that I am feeling currently and if anyone had any advice or if they have had similar issues.

I had white bits on my tonsils for the last 3 weeks, and literally the night before this occurred the glands around my groin/neck/armpit was going a little haywire. Aching but they aren't painful or visibly large.
I went to the doctors after a week and they said I had tonsillitis and was given a 10 day course of antibiotics. After the course, they were still white and my glands were still aching on and off. I'm awaiting test results for glandular fever.

The doctor has also mentioned because this looks more to be a viral infection with the tonsillitis the antibiotics won't help and my glands can be effected all over my body and I just have to ride it out.

I just wanted to ask if:
1) It's possible for all of your glands to be affected when it comes to a viral infection (tonsillitis)
2) How long can it take to clear up? Not just the glands aching, but sore throat, general unwell feeling. Because it's been over 3 weeks pretty much.

I'm trying to hold off from looking online because I know that pretty much is opening me up to seeing all the worst illnesses out there.
Does anyone have any advice, because it's just starting to mentally get me down in regards to how long it's been.

Anything would be appreciated.


22-02-16, 20:50
Hi there,
First off, yes, don't look online. You're right there.
Are you sure it's all of your lymph nodes? Generally the lymph node in the closest area to the site of infection are the ones that will swell (those are the ones that are taking in the pathogen). But the fact that you're obviously not feeling too well could totally cause the swelling in other areas since it seems like you either have or are recovering from some sort of infection.
I would maybe give your doctor another call, three weeks is kinda pushing it. Obviously you're not in any danger of something very sinister I just can't imagine dealing with strep/tonsilitis for three weeks lol. Feel better!

23-02-16, 08:25
Thanks for the reply.

Well I don't know if they are actually swollen, I can't visibly see them. My neck glands are bigger than usual. The glands around my groin are generally causing me discomfort. But I'm not sure if it's because I'm thinking about them more.
I've been reluctant to go the doctors again because my throat isn't hurting massively, just more like a mild flu

One thing that comes to mind was at the start of the year I did have an issue where I had painful urination with discharge. (I went to the STD clinic and everything came back negative) One thing I suspect is that it could have been a UTI and because it was missed, it may have progressed further which I know can cause similar symptoms I have. Obviously I could just be looking into it too much.
I may just wait until the end of the week, because the doctor said it can take some time after the antibiotics and then if I still feel the same, I may head to the doctors.