View Full Version : Feeling spaced out?

22-02-16, 18:54
So the past week i've been feeling "not all there" i'll walking down the road then all of a sudden i feel spaced and and as if i'm not viewing reality sometimes? I also get troubles focusing my eyes? It's been accompanied with an "external headache" i usually get headaches quite often because i don't drink enough but this feels kinda different?

I'm 18 and a student, the only difference recently in my life is i'm studying a medical degree and i'm on placement and working 40hrs a week, I'm getting only around 6 hours of sleep a night.. Yes it's causing stress and tiredness, and it happens at work too!

Any suggestions would be helpful :D

22-02-16, 21:14
Sounds like you have just described a bout of anxiety which could be influenced by lack of sleep, I also get head zaps and low grade headaches from lack of fluids and sleep.

22-02-16, 22:07
I have this. Like everything's a dream. It's frightening as nothing seems real x

23-02-16, 20:23
Sounds like you have just described a bout of anxiety which could be influenced by lack of sleep, I also get head zaps and low grade headaches from lack of fluids and sleep.

Possibly seeing as i do have GAD however don't feel anxious in the moment?