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View Full Version : Vertical Ridge Going Down Forehead? Normal?

22-02-16, 22:44
Ok, so I am not sure if this is new or not. I was lying down and felt my forehead and noticed a slight ridge that runs down the center of it. Almost like a hard vein under the skin, except im pretty sure its bone. It is very slight. If I run my hands horizontally across my forehead I can feel this vertical ridge running down the center of my forehead. Almost like a vertical crack except it's a ridge. It is pretty slight and when I look in the mirror I think I can make out a faint vein looking area running down forehead.

I thought it was an artery but I dont think it is. I can see a vein going down my forehead next to it. It's very slight. I was wondering if anyone here could try and locate a vertical ridge from the hairline down to the top of nose? This may be normal. I did some research and found something called Craniosynostosis but it seems to only effect younger people. What do you guys think?

22-02-16, 23:39
It's very possible that it's a vein. Google "vein in forehead" and look at the images - it's certainly possible.

Otherwise, it could just be the way your skull is shaped. We're all very different. Doesn't seem like anything to worry about!

23-02-16, 00:04
I'd advise against Google. I mentioned in another thread that Dr Google will tell you that too much farting is bowel cancer so I can only imagine what he'll tell you about this! ~lol~

Our skulls are all different.... as different as fingerprints. We have ridges, dents, lumps, bumps and all sorts of little anomalies that make us human.

You've lived with whatever this is your entire life and you've just happened to notice it today. Think of it as part of what makes you unique and let it go :)

Positive thoughts