View Full Version : Here We Go Again 😦😦😦😦

22-02-16, 22:52
so for a while now iv been really good coping with my health anxiety
and then my boyfriend dumped me on valentines day so as you can imagine I was pretty crushed....

I'm sorry to say that since then my anxiety has rocketed and iv been a mess in particular convincing myself that I can't take a deep breathe and the more I try to do it the more I can ant I get in such a state... all I do is cry because I'm petrified something is seriously wrong with me.. when I'm calm and busy like at work sometimes or manage to take my mind off it I'm fine I don't even think about my breathing but like today as soon as I finished work and tried to relax i felt like I couldn't take a deep breath and my chest hurts a little with my extremely high levels of anxiety.... it's doing my head in now and I'm so scared I don't even think I can bring myself to go to work tomorrow because I no my anxiety levels will keep me up all night 😠😠😠😡😡😕😕😕 help!!!

22-02-16, 23:19
It's Breathing OCD. I get it. It's bloody awful. It does eventually pass but when I have my episodes it lasts for months 😪😪 xx

22-02-16, 23:44
What an ******* to dump you on Valentines Day. I'm very sorry that happened to you. I'm struggling to take a deep breath as well as of late and it even turned into a full on panic attack that sent me to the ER. That was when I realized that anxiety is probably a big part of what is happening to me.

Try to relax, I know it's hard and I'm struggling to do it as well. A hot shower and video games have been doing the trick for me when I get home. Maybe read a book or watch a TV program that you enjoy. I definitely wouldn't take off work as I think that'll give you more to stress about and more time to worry.

You can get through this! It seems as if you've managed it before and I'm sure you'll do it again!

Best wishes and I'm sorry you're feeling this way...

And that your ex did such a low thing to you.

22-02-16, 23:47
Yup, breathing OCD. It sucks! You'll realize nothing is actually wrong though when you do something that takes your mind off it and then you figure out you were breathing fine all along, it's just when you try to concentrate on or control an autonomic process that you get concerned.

It'll pass. Mine does!

Sorry about your boyfriend. Take this time to take care of yourself though, and not worry about someone that would do that to you!

23-02-16, 20:26
If it helps i always have struggled with not being able to take deep breaths and the more you focus on it gets way worse..sorry you are struggling with this..try to take your mind off of it