View Full Version : my story of Bladder control anxiety

23-02-16, 10:15
Last September, I was in an exam room doing my mid semester test. Prior to entering the exam, I had a can of energy drink, redbull, assuming caffein and sugar would help me focus. And it was a wrong idea.

I wanted to pee so I raised my hand up asking if I could go to toilet, and the instructor said NO (probably because it was only one hour exam). And then I tried holding it in and continued reading the questions. But nothing came to my mind other than the fact that I needed to go to toilet, and I needed to go to toilet NOW! Then I had panic attack, imagining what'd happen if i wet my pants right now, and all fellow students see.

I couldn't hold any longer so I raised my hand up desperately asking again. Then they've let me go...

It's probably from that moment on, my "toilet phobia" developed. It's been a few months, and still I avoid using public transport as much as possible, and as I don't own a car, I only use my bicycle to go uni.

I miss being able to go city, meeting people, going out for drinks.

I miss the freedom that I had wherever I go.

Sorry if my grammar was weird to read lol

And Thanks for reading :)

24-02-16, 22:02
It's understandable that that's had a big impact on you and now, like with most people here, these things become an obsession. I think you should really try not to avoid wherever you can. It's like retreating and you can just end up retreating further and further. If you go and do these things where possible I think you will accumulate evidence showing you its all fear and imagination getting the best of you. When you see that's true you'll be able to recognise it and hopefully push through it easier. Hopefully in time you can forget. Just because you were caught in the perfect storm once doesn't mean you'll be caught again.

25-02-16, 02:16
Guys have it much easier than girls when it comes to this as we can duck into some bushes or behind a dumpster etc. and let 'er go! Even on public transportation you could get off the bus run behind a building and go if you really had to.

A test where you can't go (a "perfect storm" as Oosh put it) I understand, but anywhere else? Nah... I wish there were better words of wisdom but them be da facts! ;)

Positive thoughts