View Full Version : anxiety

01-03-07, 12:55
ok, to start with, i got very very bad anxiety panic attck all mylife, i am hv symptoms like very bad chest pain(now and then) i feel some heavy stuff on my chest, tightness feeling, and can't breathe feeling. it just happen.i do admit i got alot of stress in my life includ my self. i am always feeling chest pain dizziness, headache, this year is the worst one that i've ever experience. i start to feel bad symptom, when i lie down i feel so dizzy, i can't sleep every night, and everynight i got bad dream, wake up in the middle of night out of breathe, heart beating very fast, last month i got this dizziness, light headed feeling so terrible that i can't even lie down to sleep when i lie down head on pilliow i just feel so dizzy, light headed, i feel so scared and nervous then, ok, then i got this chest tightness feeling very bad, that i can't walk fast the more i walk the pain i felt (maybe i carried heavy stuff before that), now it is getting better.
now the chest pain in bad, i am going for my threadmill echo tomorrow. pls help me, tell me i am going to be ok, i am so scared abt the threadmill echo.

i still have heaviness of chest area, and i am so scared. my last bp went up so high, each time doc check my bp it is always high, but i did 24hr bp test and it showed normal reading , no hypertension, but when i am at doc to check it is always high, and it panic me then, and now the doc force me to take antelolol 50mg, every day. can i ever stop taking that, i really do not want to be classified as high blood patient , am i not?

i am going for threadmill test. what should i do to stop this craziness and tell myself i am going to be ok, it is so stressful when symtpom just happen. i also hv panic attack that make me so scared.

01-03-07, 14:15
Hi Alba
DONT BE SCARED - please - you will be ok. I suffer from panic and cant breathe and feel my chest is crushed but the more you think about it - the worse you will make it - try to think of other things - look at the colour of the sky - listen to the birds - think of your favourite thing - maybe sunshine or food like ice cream - think happy thoughts and try to forget the worry. Good luck! Love Wenjoy x