View Full Version : How accurate are mammograms/ultrasounds for breasts with no lump just a dent?

23-02-16, 16:28
I've posted a couple of times about this but I'm struggling a lot. A month ago I found a vertical indentation in my right breast on the side where my arm is. I panicked because I know that breast cancer can present itself in a dimple form and not always a lump. I felt for lumps but did not feel anything. The only thing I can feel underneath it feels like the breast tissue underneath my skin sinks in some but not sure if that is normal or not. Anyway, I saw my gynecologist about a week later for my annual. She looked at it and she thinks its some sort of stretch mark forming. I'm 31 and have had 2 kids why would I be getting a new stretch mark now? Even so, its not like any other stretch mark I've ever seen before. Anyway, she sent me for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound to be safe. I went the very next day after a VERY tearful evening the night before because I was so scared. I couldn't even keep it together during the tests, I cried all the way through. The radiologist came in after both tests and told me he didn't seen anything on either tests and my breasts looked symmetrical on the mammogram. I felt great relief and left feeling so happy!! That lasted a whole 3 days before I decided to google how accurate the tests were. I stumbled in the breast cancer forums and found SEVERAL women who posted they were misdiagnosed a few times because the tests were not finding their cancer. Apparently, in younger women especially, you can have dense breast tissue which hides things. I read somewhere up to 59%, I'm only 31 so it has me terrified!! So the next day I spoke with my doctor about my fear, she agreed with me that the tests can miss things but still feels this is just a skin issue but told me to keep a watchful eye on it and report to her in 6 months if I see any changes and we'd go from there. She said the only other thing she could do right now is invasive surgery to get a biopsy sample. I don't have a lump, that can be felt, so nothing to really biopsy. I read so many stories of women who had the dimples but not lumps. I did read breast MRI's are good for picking up things but she didn't offer this to me. I don't know what to do. I've been a complete mess for 3 weeks now (I had the tests on Feb. 3rd) and cannot even imagine sitting with this for another 6 months wondering. What do I do? How accurate are these tests? Anyone have a similar experience?

I should add I see this indentation when I lift up my arm, it creates a dented line going down the side of my breast. I can sorta see it with my arm down as well but ever so slightly. When my breast are cold (nipples erect, sorry TMI) it tightens the skin so its less noticeable then too even with my arm up. When I look down on my breast I can see the dip where this line is at. I've looked at it A LOT and I cannot see a stretch mark, at least not a traditional looking one. Can stretch marks look different? It has me so freaked out! :weep:

---------- Post added at 15:28 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

I just put in a request to my doctor asking her what I should do from here that I cannot sit with this for 6 months waiting to see if it changes.

---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------


23-02-16, 17:07
From a previous post:

Anyway, I saw my gynecologist on Tuesday and she didn't feel anything, but she could see what I was talking about and wanted to be safe and sent me for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. I had both done yesterday. The Radiologist said nothing was found and they looked symmetrical. I was HUGELY relieved!!!!

What can anyone say that is more reassuring than the above? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

23-02-16, 17:11
I'm just looking for others with experience with this or knows more than I do about the tests.

I am just really struggling with this, its taken over my life and filling it with awful anxiety and fear. I Just need some support.

23-02-16, 17:16
I'm just looking for others with experience with this or knows more than I do about the tests.

I understand you're seeking additional reassurance but who here would know more than the doctor and radiologist? Maybe re-reading the replies from your previous post about this will help. Several members offered great support and advice.

Positive thoughts

23-02-16, 17:21
I decided to call my doctor and seek what I should do. I cannot sit with this for 6 months wondering if its going to change and actually be something. I need to know. Am I being too hasty? I don't know.

23-02-16, 17:55
The mammo and ultrasound are very very reassruing especiallly the ultrasound. As you righly point out at your age mammos are not always accurate due to your breast tissue being dense and this is why they always do ultrasound as well as ultrasound would pick up anything missed on mammo.
The only other test would be an mri scan of your breasts although this is often reserved for after something has been found and is not in routine use but is becoming more popular with Drs. mri can often pick up " things" that look iffy but turn out to be just normal so can cause more stress than they help, this has happened to me with mri's of other parts of my body!
Maybe you coud discuss having this done with your Dr if you think you would believe this more than the tests you have already had done.
I totally understand your fears but really don't think you have anything to fear.

23-02-16, 18:45
The mammo and ultrasound are very very reassruing especiallly the ultrasound. As you righly point out at your age mammos are not always accurate due to your breast tissue being dense and this is why they always do ultrasound as well as ultrasound would pick up anything missed on mammo.
The only other test would be an mri scan of your breasts although this is often reserved for after something has been found and is not in routine use but is becoming more popular with Drs. mri can often pick up " things" that look iffy but turn out to be just normal so can cause more stress than they help, this has happened to me with mri's of other parts of my body!
Maybe you coud discuss having this done with your Dr if you think you would believe this more than the tests you have already had done.
I totally understand your fears but really don't think you have anything to fear.

Thank you so much for your kind reply! :) Actually an MRI is what I'm hoping she'll let me have. I need to KNOW this is nothing. I can't just sit and wait to see if it changes. Its too scary for me.

23-02-16, 19:10
Just some food for thought from a previous thread.

I don't know your situation. I hate saying to someone: have you thought about therapy? 'Cause I know that question gets asked a lot and isn't always helpful. But you really should try and do something to stop you from falling into that pattern. Otherwise you're gonna spend your life paying for a lot of unnecessary tests, and still worrying.

Perhaps some of the money you'll spend on unnecessary tests could be put to better use?

Positive thoughts

23-02-16, 21:50
Just some food for thought from a previous thread.

Perhaps some of the money you'll spend on unnecessary tests could be put to better use?

Positive thoughts

Thankfully insurance covers all the tests I've had so far and doctor visits so I'm grateful for that. Trust me this is more than health anxiety, I have a general worry something isn't right and I'm trying to be a good health advocate and from the research I have done and my doctor agreeing with me that these tests can miss things I don't feel its unnecessary for me to push for something further at this point. Even if its nothing (I pray to God its nothing), I'd rather look over emotional finding out for the peace of mind. I think its worth it. I just wanted to know if anyone had experience with this or knew more than I do about the tests. I appreciate your advice though, I really do.]

ps trust me I know my health anxiety is spiraled out of control but until I can 100% prove this dent is nothing, I cannot work on it right now. I need to know that first, then, I plan on working it.