View Full Version : Pregabalin and Insomnia

23-02-16, 13:45
I have severe anxiety and been prescribed Pregabalin, currently 50mg am and 50mg in the evening, I also have had insomnia over the past two months, the pregabalin was reccommended as it is supposed to make you feel drowsy, so far no effects at all on sleep. I am considering increasing to 75 mg a night or even more if required, has anyone found it useful at higher doses in addressing insomnia, if not I guess I will have to ask the GP for sleeping pills although i know they are very reluctant to prescribe

23-02-16, 21:09
Hi Cathal,

It's not ever correct to see Preg as a 'sleeping pill'

However, as we know anxiety is usually the primary cause of insomnia, and if Preg can help curb anxiety, then it should help insomnia.

It's quite subtle however, especially at the low doses you mention; it can also take a while to take effect; I would try taking it around 2 hours before you aim to go to bed, and then prepare yourself well for it: no enervating activities, including watching TV, using screens etc. Just read a good book, and perhaps have some warm milk, without sugar.

Upping the dose might help indeed; sleeping pills too, but as you and your doctor are aware, they don't deal with the underlying problem, which is the point of the Preg. Have you felt it help you with your anxiety at all so far? If so, then it may well help you sleep better on a higher dose.

Good luck,


23-02-16, 21:27
Thanks for your message, I guess the real issue is that Pregabalin doesnt make me drowsy more "spacey/stoned" feeling, fine for the anxiety but not too sure about insomnia...anyway as you say the only way of knowing is to increase the dose

24-02-16, 10:56
Hi Cathal,

If you have both severe anxiety and insomnia, sleeping tablets will only help you for a very short part of that time - maybe four hours per day. This is because sleeping tablets (benzos and z drugs) are designed to clear quickly from your system before waking. However, people with anxiety who post to NMP have complained that they wake up after four hours or so and can't get back to sleep.

Although pregabalin isn't a sleeping medication as such, it can be taken to work on anxiety throughout the day and night, and over time help with sleeping. None of these conditions will reverse within a week or a month - it takes time.

24-02-16, 19:27
Thanks for the advice Hanshan, much appreciated, this is all new to me so it is great to have a forum like this where I can learn from others, C

25-02-16, 01:54
I'm to all new here so not sure if I'm posting right or not.
Hanshan, you seem to be very knowledgable about pregabalin.
I suffer from bad anxiety, have tried all different classes of meds with no luck.
I have just weaned off clonazapam and am presently weaning off cipralex(never helped my anxiety).
I started on pregabalin 2 weeks ago, 1 week at 50 mgs twice per day, now 75 mgs twice per day. The first few doses really helped me but it didn't last, could it still help me?
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who can help.

25-02-16, 09:49
I'm to all new here so not sure if I'm posting right or not.
Hanshan, you seem to be very knowledgable about pregabalin.
I suffer from bad anxiety, have tried all different classes of meds with no luck.
I have just weaned off clonazapam and am presently weaning off cipralex(never helped my anxiety).
I started on pregabalin 2 weeks ago, 1 week at 50 mgs twice per day, now 75 mgs twice per day. The first few doses really helped me but it didn't last, could it still help me?
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who can help.

Hanshan is very knowledgeable about pregablin, he helped me when I first started on my pregablin journey
I've been on it since sept last year. I started on 150mg a day and worked up the doses and I'm currently taking 600mg a day. It's good stuff my physical symptoms are virtually gone it's just my unhelpful thinking that I need to get on top of

25-02-16, 13:19
I've sent a reply to Mugs via PM. Good luck to all those taking or starting out on pregabalin.