View Full Version : Still vomiting after 4 weeks - return to docs?

23-02-16, 14:41
Hi - I have panic attacks and GAD and had a bad anxiety episode 4 weeks ago - my doctor upped my meds (Paroxatine). Since the panic attack I have been sick frequently (before the upping of meds). Any time I eat or have to do anything or go anywhere. I have had two lots of anti nausea meds - currently Buccastem and it definitely helps but I am still being sick. I should also point out that I have had recurring vomiting before the panic attack on and off for the last 10 years (usually when I am tired or get up really early or if I've been a little on the greedy side). Do you think I should see a doctor about it. I've talked to them about it in regards to the anxiety and I realise it is a side effect however do you think I should talk to them about it in terms of I could actually have something physically wrong? (BtW - I do not suffer from Health Anxiety)
Opinions please? Don't want to waste their time if it is just anxiety related. Thanks x:)

24-02-16, 02:27
When you say other feelings what do you mean? Like other symptoms? There are no other symptoms accept occasionally I get heartburn or indigestion x

24-02-16, 05:26
Was it a symptom of your panic & anxiety in the past? Whilst upping the med could heighten an existing symptom, bring new ones or just raise anxiety levels thus achieving the former two, it's clearly not just connected to the med.

I think it's difficult to understand because your triggers seem quite varied and so it feels like an anxiety issue. Can you think of examples of when it is triggered & what you were doing and also see examples of when it wasn't triggered? How did you feel prior to it coming on?

24-02-16, 14:38
Interesting question Terry....I can think of a couple of examples - a few months ago I picked up my best mate to go on a dogwalk and whilst I was taking him home I literally had to pull the car over and be sick (felt very nauseous for about 15 minutes beforehand but tried to distract myself and was sick/nauseous for a good hour after). I had eaten just before going out. Before that a few months before was going to a carboot sale and had to get up early with little sleep - again had to pull the car over (nauseous for 10 minutes - nothing to eat, was sick for half hour). 6 months before that went out for dinner, had a great time, got home - (10 mins of nausea and literally had to run to the bathroom). I can think of lots of these examples even as far back as a kid. Wondering whether I might have CVS which I know is rare but would explain a lot (I have migraines too which make me sick) but could also just be anxiety. The ironic thing is my mum has had emetophobia for 60 years!