View Full Version : Flu advise

23-02-16, 18:22
I have a baby girl who has a cold and I've caught it from her but mine is a lot worse I think I may have the flu.

I just advice in general really as when it comes to having any sort of virus I panic and worry.
Any tips on what to eat or do to get past this flu... I ache so much I can't even lift my baby without being in pain!
When I try and rest in bed my indigestion/ibs play up as I've laid down I woke up with the most horrible pain in my stomach and chest which I think is trapped wind

Is indigestion common with the flu?
My symptoms are
A fever that paracetamol only bring down slightly
A thumping headache my head/ feels sore to move
Ache bones and joints and lymph nodes
Sore throat
Ringing in ears

I feel like I can't cope :( x

---------- Post added at 18:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ----------


24-02-16, 01:26
I’m in my DAY 3 of having this flu. My symptoms are:
1.) Ringing/pressure in Ears
2.) Fever
3.) Headache
4.) Ache around my eyes
5.) Clogged nose
6.) Cough with pleghm/mucus
7.) Joint/Muscle aches
8.) Higher heart beat(around 100bpm)
9.) Well, even if I don’t have flu I would always have this bloated and IBS-ish symptoms. I have been diagnose with IBS but I don't know if it is indeed IBS.

-----Based on my mother’s care since I was a kid:
1.) Plenty of Water intake.
2.) Plenty of Rest.
3.) Eat soft meals, as much as possible chicken soup.
4.) Drink Paracetamol 3 times a day.
5.) Eat fruits.

24-02-16, 09:19
Hello thank you for your reply!

I am on day two and feel much better so maybe it wasn't flu and just a viral infection.

I've taken all your advise on board and stocked up on essentials !
Hurry up warmer weather I'm done with these bugs