View Full Version : hiv anxiety depression

23-02-16, 17:41
Pleasant can anyone help me by giving your opinions. In november last year I had an encounter at a glory hole in a service station . I put my penis through he didnt give me oral just rubbed my circumcised penis he might have rubbed pre cum on it . Also he might of even pricked me with a needle ?? Do you think I would of felt a needle prick in my penis ?? We are in February now and 2 week ago I had a sinus problem so I wenr docs he took my blood and test came back ok , it wasn't a hiv test just a regular blood test . I looked on google and started seeing hiv !! I read more into symptoms and before I know it I had dioreaa stiff neck sore muscles feeling sick but not actually being sick . I had blurred vision in my left eye . All of the symptoms became real what I was reading which made me really worriied and anxiety kicked in really bad .. now all the symptoms have gone I have a rash on my face shoulders arms and legs . Its a flat rash and red and doesn't itch its really weird. It comes and goes when I get hot and worried. Is 13 weeks to late for symptoms or even a rash?? Is this real or is is my worrying causing the symptoms im getting really bad anxiety and depression about this I spend my day and night googling hiv

23-02-16, 17:59
Just get tested if you're that concerned. They have home tests as well that are accurate. Chances are slim anyway but you need definite proof for reassurance based on your experience.

Needless to say but I'll say it anyway... In the future, think with the head on your shoulders before doing something that would put you at risk ;)

Positive thoughts