View Full Version : Normal For Older People?

24-02-16, 00:12
I am just curious.. I am 61 now and have tried without much success to find things that happen to older peoples bodies naturally . What I am saying is what things seem to go wrong when you hit say... 55 and older.

Although with exception of being pre diabetic.. I am wondering if digestion gets harder? I used to be able to eat anything that I wanted and maybe a little gas here and there and not much of a problem. Now if I eat much of anything ,its gas attack.. I mean killer ,,,,where it hits my heart and makes it skip and causes me all kinds of stomach pain although my stomach and other organs seem to be ok shape.

Also if anyone wants to share the things they have found about getting older here , the effects of things on older bodies please do? I think I am in pretty good shape for a 61 year old but would sincerely like to know what common ailments and maladies are for people our age.

I think that many of what is considered normal for older people have caused me concern to make me think that I have serious health issues when in fact they are just common things that happen to older people and not really much to be concerned about

If you are an older member here and can share some information with me about what is normal to experience as an older person and enlighten me, it would be greatly appreciated and perhaps help with my health anxiety , I thank you in advance for your time and trouble.

24-02-16, 00:36
This symptom bothered me for a while and its not just for the over sixties!, it seems our appetites diminish over time and we get full quicker, gas can aggravate the vagus nerve after we eat and cause the heart to skip, I get this a lot, congratulations on getting to 61 im 48 and dreading hitting 50!! if you have been quite healthy physically up until now theres no reason you shouldn't go on for quite a lot longer, stiff joints seem more of a common problem in older age than anything else!.

24-02-16, 00:46
Hi there and yes, I've found this to be the case. Im 59. With postmenopausal women the hormone oestrogen dwindles so this has a big effect on their bodies.
Arthritis starts to rear it's head plus other various aches and pains. I think that structures holding the organs together tend to thin out too!

It's important to exercise, I fast walk every day, I also eat a high protein low carb diet and try to be gluten free. I'm pretty fit and am about 57kgs

I have some autoimmune issues which still flare up from time to time. I also have H/A but have had that for many years. Keeping up with Drs and specialist appointments is important.

Take care, Lesley.

Catherine S
24-02-16, 00:48

At 62 I can relate to what you say physically speaking in particular with changes in digestion. Like you I was able to eat and drink more or less anything without any trouble, but a few years ago I did start to have problems with acid reflux and now have to think about what irritates and what's ok. One of the advantages is that I don't tolerate alcohol too well now, so cut right back on that which is better for my health anyway. With the erratic heart beats, that can be a symptom of bad digestion for sure as anything that irritates your stomach can also irritate your heart. My doctor also said as we get older we lose some of the enzymes needed to aid digestion, and the sphincter. ..which is the little trap door at the entrance to the stomach. ..becomes weaker and struggles to keep the stomach acid from coming back up. Nice.

I was also diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in 2010 which apparently is common in post menopause women. As a result my weight crept up and seems immovable! Apart from all of that i'm completely fine :D

Good to meet you by the way.

Cath x

24-02-16, 01:09
Hi Cath, a good post...

Digestive enzymes can help and Betaine HCL for low stomach acid. Stomach acid becomes less as we age.

I've also had oesophageal spasms which seem to be more common as we age.

24-02-16, 04:02
Funny thing is that I found an article that was very informative and detailed by organs and body functions and even a little humorous but don't know what happened to it and it was a very well written article.

Ok that makes a lot of sense about the stomach and as far as the stiff joints , I have those terribly but has just started recently happening. Also have to be careful of taking nsaid's because they too irritate the stomach but then they are about the only thing that works for pain and stiff joints I have found.

Geez arthritis , I can identify with that. I started having issues with that in my mid 40's and it has become so bad that I can only walk a short distance without having to sit down . My legs cramp and my hips and I get sciatica. Also thought I had problems with circulation that might have caused that in my legs but doctor says no.

So I guess I have arthritis and osteoporosis somewhat, although it isn't too bad. I started getting peyronnes disease about at age 50. That is something most people don't want to know about but it really has put a kink in my love life but then can still participate in sexual relations just not the same way . Its very sad but happens I guess.

Also I have dupren's concature . This is where you get growths in your hands and they start contracting and pulling on my fingers to where they are starting to bend inwards and cannot put my hand flat down. They say that most people that have this also has peyroones disease.. they just seem to go hand and hand.

Both things I have mentioned here above aren't spelled right but I am sure the correct spelling can be found if you look. Also I don't have menopause but have andropause. My body cannot regulate heat and cold very well . I sweat terribly many times and freeze at temperatures that I used to just enjoy being in with a regular shirt. I hate this so much .

Also I tried to find out if older mens testicles hurt alot. I think I read where they did but can't really find anything about it anymore. I know there are many conditions that cause this but I don't really have anything that points to me having these conditions as I don't have the symptoms just the achy part. Also have been checked for conditions like that and don't have anything like it. I guess it is just like arthritis etc..

Also I have tmj which affects everything and can.. really sucks.. mostly the things I found that really affect me the most are eating and having sex .Its just a sad thing that two of the things you really love to do you are forced to change so vastly.

Also the walking. I miss the walking and exploring. I remember when I could walk forever and climb and explore.. but I am thankful I can still sit and watch others walk and but it hurts to know what once was.

I am grateful for the health I do have but the loss of youth and ability is depressing so much . I am only 61 . I fear for what the rest of my life brings..It just seems unfair but guess that is life. If you would please keep sharing your information about the feelings of aging and also if you think of anything you forgot please come back and post again.

I thank you all that have contributed and thank all that will in advance. I do appreciate it so much.

---------- Post added at 20:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ----------

This isn't the exact thing I was looking for but will help somewhat to tell about changes when aging. I would still like to hear from members here about what has happened to them so that I too can know what to expect. Thanks in advance. http://www.merckmanuals.com/home/older-people-s-health-issues/the-aging-body/changes-in-the-body-with-aging

24-02-16, 09:09
Hi can relate to all of this I,m 64 or 46 on a good dAy:) used to have a cast iron stomach not any moreI now have to be very careful of my diet now so many things I can't tolerate now.
The dreaded arthritis I had a knee replacement 2 years ago and now have a lovely new knee that works great,sadly have to have a new hip and left knee at some point.I am always stiff and sore,but hey could be worse I can still enjoy life.Take care

25-02-16, 03:01
Thanks Simi, I really love to eat and I don't eat that much but I want to be able to if I so choose. I do eat right the right foods and prepared the right way but sometimes I want to eat the things I used to ,not so much a lot just a little here and there. I feel a little sad that I have to be real careful and wish so much there is a way to get around the gas and issues of this..

I take prilosec everyday and also mallox but most of the time it doesn't work that well. I haven't really mentioned this to my doctor but it started pretty much after I had lost weight and changed what I ate.

I am not sure this is what caused it but that is when it started. Perhaps my stomach just can take the amount of foods or the type of foods that I used to eat.

I really would like to fix this is there is a fix but what I read on here many people have stomach issues probably more so that other ailments I suppose. I would still sure like to hear other people issues with aging. I know there are many other people that are close to my age here that has experienced aging issues.

My problem is that even though I know this is probably just an issue of minor annoyance and not a real serious thing, it sets off my anxiety and makes me worry that there is something serious in the works.. I just can't make myself think it is merely stomach gas or such.. Can stomach gas kill you ? or damage your heart in some way ?

Also I have many issues with my eyes and my doctor got me set up to go to an eye doctor months ago and I did not go. I was afraid the doctor would find I had a tumor or something wrong with my arteries or brain etc etc etc.. and also was worried about them putting drops in my eyes and such so I did not go but that was probably a bad idea since I need to see an eye doctor. Fear can really mess our lives up and it is a terrible thing to experience. I wish so very much that I could just turn it off forever and stop being afraid of anything. Do you think they could hypnotize you and get rid of all fear , would that work?

25-02-16, 13:21
Also if anyone wants to share the things they have found about getting older here , the effects of things on older bodies please do? I think I am in pretty good shape for a 61 year old but would sincerely like to know what common ailments and maladies are for people our age.

Ohhh.... where do I begin? ~lol~

I remember being in my 40's and telling a much younger person (20's) that the day you awaken on your 30th birthday, you'll get out of bed and have an ache or pain you didn't have the night before and you'll remember that some 40+ year old man that told you so!

In general, joint aches, back aches and other arthritic related pain becomes the norm IMO, especially if you've suffered an injury in the area earlier on. I also believe that cold wet weather affects us more as we age. If you've had surgeries or joint/bone injuries, we have a built in barometer. Many times I'll be achy and sore or I'll get an ache in my sternum where they cut me for heart surgery and wonder why only to look at the weather forecast and see that a storm is approaching. We just went through three days of cold and rainy weather here and I think you could actually hear my body creaking! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

26-02-16, 03:18
Yeah the joints are terrible . I broke my arm in two places when I was young and it acts like a barometer since that time. My hips kill me when I walk and I get sciatica and weird aches and pains especially when the weather changes.

Sometimes at night I get weird twitches in my feet just out of the blue and then don't even get me started with the weird zaps of someone sticking a needle in my feet.. So weird and hurts just out of the blue.. But with the responses I gotten from all of you it seems at least I am not alone and hope to hear more from others.

Thanks to everyone that has responded so far and thank in advance for those that respond soon . This is very enlightening..

26-02-16, 11:27
That's a relief to see im not alone :ohmy:.. This past couple years especially ive had digestive issues and cant tolerate rich foods anymore or chocolate.I know though I have a lactose intolerance and wheat..My joints ache getting out of bed and if sitting too long.Hips, thigh bone , shins ,I have more sciatic flare ups than used to and don't tolerate them as well.. HA only started up for me post meno.. again I read that seems fairly common .

17-03-16, 09:11
I know all those symptoms and anxiety hits a lot of people and other real symptoms are more common than that but I don't know if it is common for people to get these things.

I wonder how all those older people many many many kept working and kept on going all the years they did and so many entertainers that must have had hard hard lives and worked many years and they are now dying off in their 70's 80's and 90's . I just don't understand how other generations younger than them have just fell apart like us..

Are we weaker or maybe have more things wrong than they did or ? I appreciate your input and thanks for letting me know I am not alone. take care

17-03-16, 09:19
Oh dear .I'm 58 years young. I don't sit around listing my ailments I just get on with things. There's more to life than counting imperfections :)
P'S I mean no disrespect to anyone :)

Catherine S
17-03-16, 11:39
I don't do that either Phuzella, but the poster has asked specifically for some input about it on this thread. Talking about our ailments when asked about them doesn't mean we all sit around contemplating them all day.

No disrespect taken :)

Cath x

To 'wise monkey ' ive only just caught up with this thread and wanted to thank you for your recommended solution to digestive problems, i'll give it a try!

17-03-16, 11:44

Catherine S
17-03-16, 12:00
:noangel: :)

17-03-16, 12:24
I must be the oldest person on here. Old age is not funny. :unsure:.
My biggest problem is the dreaded arthritis. I can only take painkillers, not certain tablets as I take aspirin . I get about though. Cold weather does not help.
My husband had hip replacement three years ago. His knees are going:shrug:
he also is very deaf and will not wear his hearing aids:lac:
and he is on tablets for diabetes. He is 75. he is active though.
We both have problems with memory. That really annoys me and I get angry about myself in particular.:huh:.
I hope I have not depressed anyone. Life is precious and you have to make the best of it.:hugs:

17-03-16, 13:58
I know all those symptoms and anxiety hits a lot of people and other real symptoms are more common than that but I don't know if it is common for people to get these things.

I wonder how all those older people many many many kept working and kept on going all the years they did and so many entertainers that must have had hard hard lives and worked many years and they are now dying off in their 70's 80's and 90's . I just don't understand how other generations younger than them have just fell apart like us..

Are we weaker or maybe have more things wrong than they did or ? I appreciate your input and thanks for letting me know I am not alone. take care

Perhaps they haven't?

My dad is mid seventies as is my mum. They both worked into their sixties like most people have to out of lack of choice. My dad still weekends now, landscape gardening doing his private jobs. He will do it with little sleep if he has to and all the aches & pains don't stop him.

He had depression for 2 years in his thirties which he took medication for but he pulled himself out of it and has never relapsed. There was no self help or therapy back in his day yet if you speak to him he will say much of what we do on here about changing your thoughts, being positive and just taking things as they come and getting on with it all. Basically the wisdom of life which people have been learning long before psychology was ever even coined.

It was inspiring to hear him talk about moving forward and I just hope I can follow in his footsteps.

I'm only 40 but I can certainly relate to the earlier sentiment about how you change in your thirties. For me it didn't really change until the last year or so where the sciatica came and gradually the joint issues have followed. I suspect I have some mild osteoarthritis as the symptoms match and so does how to reduce how it feels with exercise. I'm trying various natural supplements to ease it, some are helping. I guess the biggest thing I need to do is try to learn to be more like my dad and just fight on and not let it bother me or stop me, as be had always done.

Going back to the earlier point, at 60 be was still doing hard manual labour and was in great shape for it. Be was a smoker back then still yet he was physically in far better shape than people in their twenties in my office who smoked who would be gasping & coughing walking up stairs. So, there is a lot to be said for being physically fit. My dad lost a lot of this when he retired but had to adjust to the naturally slower pace of life.

Thinking back when further look what our elders went through with the wars. Somehow they just got on with life, although there must have been plenty of sufferers too just in a time when disorders didn't exist as they hadn't been recorded yet or were so under a different name and besides, the treatment want available anyway so it didn't even happen for most working class people.

Anyway some of you more mature people keep us on our toes on here anyway. :yesyes:

26-03-16, 02:15
I used to be in very good shape but the last few months I have really let myself go and now I am also worried that I am so out of shape that I might not can function . Its really important that I can because we are moving in a few days and I have to drive almost 2000 miles. I am so worried because one thing I am out of shape and the other I am so nervous about travel. We have traveled all over ,been in all the states some more than twice and been abroad. But this time is different . I haven't been walking much and mostly laying around and now I am paying for it. Its going to be very hard for me to be on the road and drive and do the things you have to do. I worry about my heart ,pulse and breathing all the time and also feeling weak and stuff.. Just kind of super nervous and have knots in my stomach.. I feel like I am in a dream ,I never wanted to move again but the kids want us near them so we gave in. I hope I will be ok even though I am in bad shape? The last time we did this I was a nervous wreck but on the road I seemed to unwind.. so maybe a trip is in order.. but I have been worried about feeling out of breath lately but according to the doctor 7 months ago I am in pretty good health ..so I don't know what to think.. Just so worried about travel. Hope I will be fine. And thanks for your comment about us mature people lol..